A couple of weeks ago my friend Larry Cleverley received a notice that the Iowa Department of Transportation had decided to re-construct an intersection near Mingo, Iowa. The change, says the DOT, is necessary to fix a dangerous intersection which is among the top two deadly in the state.
The DOT will spend millions on the construction and the project will destroy the home and take much of the land which has been in the Cleverely Family for over 80 years. The action will shut down the organic, fresh, buy local farm.
Cleverley has suggested the Iowa DOT simply install a stoplight at the
intersection. However Scott Dockstader, an engineer with the department has said a stoplight is not practical given the high rate of vehicle speed. He was quoted in the Des Moines Register, "We feel that a stoplight out in a rural area on a 65-mph road would not be safe. Not as safe as the interchange option we are proposing."
So, the question: Why wouldn't the DOT gradually reduce the speed limit and install a stoplight? Seems to work in other parts of the state. For example I've posted two images of where this seems to work. Above is a rural stoplight located on Hwy. 175 near Harcourt and below another on Hwy. 69 near Gilbert. Or...will the Iowa DOT remove those as well and take some-body's
farm land?
Update: Moments ago I had the opportunity to visit with Mr. Dockstader of the DOT. We had a long discussion regarding "stoplights", "flashing lights", "interchanges" and best ideas. "The department has been looking at this issue for years", said Dockstader. "Whatever we do is going to impact someone. I can tell you that this is the most dangerous intersection in the state and something needs to be done." He told me that reducing the speed limit would not work (currently 60 mph) because of a lack of enforcement. And that setting out a stoplight would be contrary to the system the DOT follows. Here is that link.
I wonder if Jasper County might consider...traffic cameras to better enforce and monitor the area with regard to speed.
For those of you who would like to get involved here is a petition started by Larry hosted by Change.org.
Please feel free to share.