This past week I wrote about a couple of friends and a horse clinic taking place in Broken Bow, Nebraska, Horses, Craig Cameron & Broken Bow detailed the event and gave readers a reason to consider. (Photo: Craig & I 15 years ago. I've changed...he hasn't!)
This morning I got a call from Gary Kubicek, Sales & Marketing Manager for Running Horse Feeds telling me, "Michael, you are not going to believe it. We've got over 170 reservations for the first and second Craig Cameron clinics and over 80 for the evening clinic. The folks at Evans Feed Company are shocked at the early success of this event. Thanks for your help!"
Two Thoughts
There is real power in maintaining solid relationships with all parties. I didn't have to write a short piece about Craig Cameron and I didn't have to use the power of social media to spread the word. Didn't have to...but did because of the long term relationship I've got with Gary and Craig.
Craig Cameron is a paid spokesperson for Running Horse Feeds but that does not mean the company takes Craig for granted. Beyond the business deal Gary sees to it that he keeps in constant contact with Craig and his bride Dalene Cameron. They are friends who just happen to have a business arrangement.
The point here is that far too often we forget about the personal relationships we have with those folks we do business with. But, in the end that is the "magic bullet" that provides success...long lasting success.
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