The annual conference of Practical Farmers of Iowa was held this past weekend in Ames, Iowa. Here are several images from the "Soil to Soul" event:
Dr. Andrew Hoiberg and Pete Kaputska from Calcium Products, Inc. talking about OMRI listed SuperCal 98G (lime) and SuperCal SO4 (gypsum) and the benefits of using pelletized products.
During a panel discussion regarding restaurant use of locally grown food and marketing with George Formaro of Gateway Market and Centro, Larry Cleverly of Cleverley Farms and writer/food consultant Jim Duncan or @Foodude on Twitter.
Some of the 450+ attendees during the PFI event in Ames.
Popcorn during the break...yum!
First time attendees/vendors Jessica and Charles from Terra Biotics talking with our friend Sean Skeehan from Blue Gate Farm.
Finally, we had this question for PFI staff member Luke Gran about where Practical Farmers of Iowa saw themselves in relationship to traditional to organic farmers:
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