Last week, on Valentine's Day, a new book about food and farming was released. "No More Food Fights - Growing A Productive Farm & Food Conversation" by Michele Payn-Knoper attempts to make the connection between eating and producing the food we consume. It's badly needed.
One hundred years ago over a third of the US population was engaged in agricultural production. Today less than 2% of us create the food and fiber for America and much of the world. Forty years ago many of us had a direct connection to the farm. We had family and friends who actually lived on one. Today we're generations removed.
That disengagement allows for information and misinformation to swirl like a Kansas dust-devil on a hot summer day. Groups on both sides of the table fight over what is "right" and what is "wrong" with food production. In the end the consumer is confused, angered and intimidated.
Payn-Knoper offers consumers, farmers. foodies the two sides of production agriculture a real-time look at farming and a real-time look at food. She asks consumers to get involved with farmers. Try to understand that there is common ground between folks who love organic and those who don't. Here is the conversation with Michele.
It is not a quick read and there's loads of information tucked into the 153 pages. And, in the end, if you are a "hard core" believer in whatever this book may not alter your belief system. However, because we all eat it might make sense to understand farms, farmers and food production. Read it with an open mind.
You can order No More Food Fights here on Amazon.