What can be more tempting than spending a day with friends celebrating the wonderful gift of...garlic? My friend Larry Cleverley (left singing Cash) of Mingo, Iowa is an organic grower of all things yummy and this Sunday (May 26th) he rolls out Garlicpalooza an annual event that pays homage to the "great bulb of goodness".
"It started out small with a couple of friends enjoying spring," says Cleverley. "Then more folks wanted to come so we added things like blue grass music, beer, hay-rides and it's gotten to be a pretty big deal."
Here's some info from the Facebook Event Page:
Our annual farm party. Pot luck, live music, beer from Raccoon River Brewing Co., hayrides, farm & timber walks, general fun & frivolity. Children welcome. Pets are not. See where your food is grown.
Mingo is about 32 minutes northeast of Des Moines and/or 40 minutes from Ames. The fun starts at 2PM on Sunday afternoon and the weather looks great.
If you're in Central Iowa hope to see you in Mingo...we'll share some garlic...and maybe get a chance to hear Larry sing some Johnny Cash?
If you want to comment here, feel free or let's get together on Twitter @RuralLifeRadio - Thanks for coming by! - Michael