Welcome to Insight on Business, this nation's only daily, live radio talk show that goes on for 90-minutes with a focus on advertising and marketing. We preach the Good News and information on consumer trends, advertising ideas and tips in an effort to share our experience to help your business grow and prosper. Can we get an "Amen!"? We're on Monday - Friday starting at 12:30 Central and we're part of 24 broadcasters who make up Des Moines Local...LIVE heard on www.MacsWorldLive.com. Come on by?
Insight on Business is a production of our advertising agency, Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications and you can keep up with us on Twitter before, during and after the show @MichaelLibbie or @InsightADV.
On the show today we're going to talk about e-mail marketing with newsletters. Why? Because so many people are missing the mark. For example today we received a piece from Karl Chevrolet just north of Des Moines. What could have been a really neat piece about who they are, what they stand for and a brief focus on a section of their dealership was, instead, a flier with photos of cars and prices. Could that have been part of the campaign? Sure but making it first we think wasn't what people want. So, we'll share some tips.
Writer Elizabeth Walker has a real story that takes off the old Hot Dog Vendor story so many of you have heard before. Good stuff and we'll talk about it.
Do any public speaking? How about doing presentations to your employees, fellow staff members? We thought this article from Carmine Gallo was spot on. It's our way to sharing his thoughts and our commentary on how easy it is to fail in front of your audience. Yikes!
The voice behind your radio or television ads...does it match your brand? We've got a real life story about a local Des Moines Business. We can't tell you who...but it really doesn't matter because the story is just too fun. Maybe you'll pick up the tip?
I was on the phone this morning in a long conversation with a fellow marketer who is having trouble getting her BLOG up and running. We talked about her barriers and what she might do to get "Over the Hump". We'll share those ideas with you too.
Selling products on-line means...selling them on-line. I've got a real life story for you about a former client who is now seeing the light. I'll tell you what she did before she woke up to the reality of actually allowing her customers to buy...on their time.
Insight on Business is proudly sponsored by:
Lotus Moments – This is something very new and YOU are going to LOVE IT. Imagine a place where you can get top of the line items to celebrate special events, invites that nobody else has and you can create all types of printed products for business celebrations, weddings and personal events right here in Des Moines. At a price you will really like. Lotus Moments can be found at www.LotusMoments.com
NatraTurf and SpotGone! - Got lawn spots from pet urine or winter kill or salt damage. Get rid of them naturally and without chemicals, dyes or foreign grass seed. Learn more at www.NatraTurf.comand head to SpotGone! Keep the dog...Lose the Spots!
ESP- Exceptional Specialty Products- Got a business? Looking for some cool gadgets and items to use as promotional tools? ESP is a brand new company based in Urbandale, Iowa and led by Cindy Taylor. It's worth a look. Here is her website...enjoy and buy something already!
Thanks for reading, watching and listening. Learn more about us at www.InsightCubed.com - Michael P. Libbie - Host