It's FRIDAY and if it's 12:30 Central it is also time for Insight on Business this nations only daily, live, 90-minute radio show about advertising, marketing and consumer trends. Each day, Monday - Friday we're on as part of Des Moines Local...LIVE talking about the latest news from the advertising world and then offering you our take and tips to help you with your next campaign. We're heard on Join us?
Insight on Business is a production of our advertising agency, Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications ( and you can keep up with us on Twitter before during or after the show, @MichaelLibbie or @InsightADV.
On the show today we'll tell you a real life story about proof-reading. And give you an example of why it's important to have somebody NOT involved in the creative do the proofing. This could have been much worse...
Yesterday we didn't get into the discussion about dealing with people who always find somebody else. We'll share a real world story about being responsible and what happens when you're not.
When should you go out and correct the Press? We'll give you our thoughts on how to best make that happen and how to construct a press release that has impact but doesn't get "over the top".
If you happen to own a restaurant or know somebody that does? We saw this piece yesterday but didn't get to it. It's by Andy Sernovitzand SmartBlog for Social Media. Enjoy five ways to create a buzz in the restaurant business.
The numbers are really amazing. According the Advertising Age more than 80% of Americans use Social Media. The headline is more than 4 out of 5 of Americans are active either creating or participating in or reading some sort of social content at least once a month. Here is the report.
Anybody read the piece in USA Today about Ford Motor Company? Not only that but the article gives some amazing stats regarding social media. I's a fad. Here is the article.
We take no joy in sharing with you that this nation's newspaper industry has gone from bad to worse as advertising sales for the second quarter of 2009 dipped by 29%. Here is the story from Forbes. Is there a bottom? We'll talk about it.
Insight on Business is proudly sponsored by:
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ESP- Exceptional Specialty Products- Got a business? Looking for some cool gadgets and items to use as promotional tools? ESP is a brand new company based in Urbandale, Iowa and led by Cindy Taylor. It's worth a look. Here is her website...enjoy and buy something already!
Thanks for reading, watching and listening. Learn more about us at - Michael P. Libbie - Host