Insight on Business News Hour with Michael Libbie kicks off, live, today at Noon Central. We're part of the Webcast One LIVE network of interactive shows where you can see us...and or wait for the Podcast or Archive Video. Let's stay in touch during the News Hour on "The Chat" or Twitter - @MichaelLibbie before, during and after. Here is the show from today. Video starts at :13 seconds. All the links are below the video. Enjoy:
Opening Day & Consumers
It's a strange combination. For decades Americans have spent their time and what money they have watching baseball. When the economy is rolling along there's lots of competition for our entertainment dollars. However, when consumers get gets a boost. Why? We'll visit about our thoughts in the opening segment. BTW - Tigers vs. Yankees in NYC today. Go...TIGERS!
We've talked about it for years. To achieve long term sustainable results for your business you must be able to be trusted. We've also talked about that as it relates to advertising and marketing. For those of you who "buy into" that process here's a short piece about Jim Quigley the Deloitte CEO. It's from our friends at N2Growth...enjoy.
Trust But Verify
Where have we heard those words before? Maybe, and I don't do politics, somebody might want to suggest that line to our good friend Tim Albrecht and his boss Governor Branstad. Seems that a bill to help create more transparency in government is stuck (again). The Iowa Governor doesn't so much like the idea of open records and real...transparency. Is it any wonder why so many people have simply lost faith in "the system". Seems, to us, the system needs a good dose of whoop-ass. Here is the story from Jason Clayworth and the Des Moines Register.
Three Steps to Positive Customer Relations...For Life
I know, you get weary of us telling you HOW to build a lasting relationship with consumers. But, that's our job. And, just so you don't think we pull this stuff out of our's the latest story (nothing new here really) from Eric Groves of Constant Contact. Go can read it now...and listen to what we'll say later.
Who is Tweeting Who?
We touched on this story yesterday when we were visiting with Phil K. James about using social media for marketing. Seems that a new survey from Yahoo News. What does it mean? We'll tell you today and we'll also share the flaws in the conclusion. OK? Very nice...we're getting along so well!
Smartphone Market to Grow by 50% This Year
If 2010 was a "coming out party" for Smartphones, 2011 will ice the cake. In this report from BizReport it looks like Android will continue to dominate market share. (I know, I should have listened to my Bride.) The critical message here is...what is your business doing about it. We've got TWO critical messages for you today. Things that you MUST if you want to have a place at the table. Come on, you know already right?
The Worst Ad of the Week!
We don't do this to be mean...however it has crossed our minds. We show and share with you some really lousy advertising messages so that YOU won't make the same mistake. We'll share our winner in the final segment of the News Hour.
That's a Wrap!
Thanks for coming by. Insight on Business News Hour is brought to you by:
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