The Insight on Business News Hour with Michael Libbie is part of the Webcast One Live Network and you can join us live today at Noon Central. We'll also post the archived show here or you can head to the network site to download a podcast. Thanks for coming by. Today the video starts at 18 seconds...all links are under the video.
Can I Pick Your Brain?
Early today I wrote a piece for our advertising agency blog about the folks who have great ideas for products/services but no idea as to the costs and methods to market what they are trying to sell. We always meet with them because we learn so much. Today we'll review during the second segment.
Creative People & E-Mail Bomb
It started on Tuesday as hundreds of creative types (think designers/advertising agencies) were blasted with an e-mail about a still life photographer. The message clogged computers around the world and caused some ill will for the marketer. We'll share what happened to photographer Norimichi Inoguchi today.
What Does Consumer Engagement Really Mean?
After our day with Bob Burg talking about The Go Giver and yesterday spending fifteen minutes watching and listening to Gary Vaynerchuk on the Thank You Economy you must be be convinced that relationships are important and that has brought us to the Engagement. This post by Sean Corcoran helps you even better understand how critical it is to engage the consumer on multiple levels. I always feel like a preacher...
Child Time Learning Centers - Protest?
The flurry of activity over the firing of a 20-year employee and the manner in which the corporate office in Michiganhas inflamed the situation by their amazing inability to engage their consumers has now led to a physical protest at the Ankeny, Iowa child care facility...that carries the name of fired manager Shelley Huss. Child Time would like it all to "go away". But...
Those stories and our regular Thursday afternoon feature showing you what just might be The Worst Ad of the Week... We're not trying to be mean...just trying to help you understand what you should not do when it comes to marketing your product or service. In our professional opinion...
Those Stories the Stocks and More
Insight on Business News Hour is a production of our advertising agency, Insight Advertising, Marketing and Communications and made possible by:
Bindery One - A national leader in high quality digital printing where they also do direct mail services. Oh... and 1,000 premium quality business cards for $35! and for the cards: [email protected]
Weed Out Hate - A great program for teachers and parents from Marc Daniels -
NatraTurf - Chemical Free Lawns & Gardens are possible with NatraTurf
Thanks for coming by!