The Insight on Business News Hour with Michael Libbie is brought to you by: Bindery One - A world class digital print and direct mail facility; NatraTurf - Chemical FREE lawns and gardens for your home, kids, pets & the planet: Thank you!
Webcast One Live is where you can see us live today at Noon Central. You can also download the Podcast from there. Here is the News Hour from today. All the links are under the video. Enjoy.
Can YOU Help Me With This?
I'm having an issue and need your input. Early this month I was asked to present at a Social Media Conference Event here in Des Moines. I was flattered by the call and more than happy to help this non-profit with some strong content that would be valuable to attendees. Then, yesterday afternoon, I received this e-mail: "In my excitement I forgot to tell you that your fee for speaking at our conference is $75. It's a great way to help our cause." Uhm... You want me to prepare a fresh topic, spend an evening with business people sharing content and pay you too? I dunno... What do you think? We'll talk about it today.
What Keeps Business People From...BLOGGING?
One of the topics I deliver to audiences is Budgeting Time for Social Media...why? A recent poll from our friends at American Express - Open and Robert Jones tells the tale. The question: "What's your biggest fear about blogging?"
"I don't have the time." - 39.58%
"Insufficient return on investment" - 29.17%
"I don't know what I'd write about." - 24.48%
"I'm not a good writer." - 6.77%
Where do I begin? We'll share today.
When You Are TOO Close...
It happens in so many business situations. The people responsible for marketing or advertising the business are too close to the company culture to understand or consider other avenues to attract new customers. I see it every day. Yesterday it happened twice. I'll share a brief story about it and let you know the real value of "another set of eyes".
Last week I saw my friend Ben Milne the founder of Dwolla. He had given me, long ago, a Dwolla T-Shirt. I promised a photo promoting his company and how I often see myself...saving one business at a time. This was fun...thanks Ben.
Worst Ad of the Week - Hey, It's Thursday
Each Thursday afternoon we bring you "The Worst Ad of the Week". We're not trying to be mean. We are attempting to be helpful and share with any business, that will listen, what NOT to do. Today our ad comes from a national company and it's a radio ad. We'll show you what we're talking about during the final segment of the News Hour... And, maybe, if the stars are lined up right...we'll get our hands on a local radio ad that is almost as bad as this national piece.
Thank You Hope It Helps...
Thanks for coming by, we hope this has been helpful for your business. Insight on Business News Hour with Michael Libbie is a production of our advertising agency Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. Have a great day! If you would like to carry on the conversation leave a comment below, send me an e-mail, give me a call, join us on Facebook, or Twitter - @MichaelLibbie or @InsightADV.