Insight on Business News Hour with Michael Libbie is our look at the world of marketing, advertising and consumer trends. It's what we do for a living and here we share with you what we think works...and what doesn't. We'll offer tips and suggestions and opinion to help you create a larger marketing footprint. Ready? Let's go!
It's Official - Butter Cow 2012
I knew this was coming and it's delightful. For those of you not living in Iowa there are two giant things happening here this week. One is the great Iowa State Fair where for eleven days a million people will come to this beautiful park-like setting to experience the finest from entertainment to agriculture. The second big story is the Iowa GOP Straw Poll that will happen tomorrow in Ames. Iowa is awash in political candidates and yesterday another entered the already crowded field. No, she is not from Texas or from Alaska but from...Iowa. Butter Cow 2012 is the site and you can even buy some nifty t-shirts to support the cause. I think...she'll win tomorrow.
Speaking of the Iowa State Fair
We were there yesterday...and back today doing some consumer research for a client. We're testing some bag designs for a new line of pet treats and what better place to not only qualify dog and cat lovers but also interact with...thousands. No it's not a controlled focus group however...we're only seeking input on several designs that a focus group picked and now moving to the public for additional input.
How can any business ignore nearly a million folks in one place during the eleven day run? you don't have a $50 million ad budget (wouldn't that be nice?) like InBev but if you had sagging sales numbers and if you wanted to crank up your brand you might advertise...more or less? We think the answer is more and Bud Light is betting a bunch of cash on the NFL. We think it's smart...and soon you'll see new TV ads and in-store point-of-purchase items. Our question to you is, "What do you do in the face of less than great sales numbers? Do you charge ahead, spend less or look at the product and figure out why?" Your turn.
Yesterday I was in a group of people doing some "old-school" networking. One of the folks there gave me her card. On the back was this huge QR Code. I asked her where it pointed to. She said, "Heck I don't know. Not even sure how the thing works." And...that's the problem with most consumers. QR Codes are everywhere but most of the time the consumer and the business using them have no clue of how to effectively use them. Here is another example. A real-estate person told me he puts QR Codes on his "fliers" that are in a container next to his real estate sign. "It links directly to the MLS and the homes I have listed." I asked him,"What happens when all the fliers are gone? Why not post the QR Code on the sign itself?" Two pointers: 1) Give consumers a clue of HOW to use the QR Code and 2) Know what it is and think of how to better use them. Oh..tip to the real estate sales person: Video...
That's It & Thanks!
Thank you for coming by and to NatraTurf and Bindery One for helping make this daily discussion possible. If you would like to leave a comment here...feel free or we can connect on Twitter @InsightADV (business) or @MichaelLibbie (personal and a little business) our ad agency Facebook Page is right here. Have a fantastic weekend and remember BUTTER COW 2012! Too fun. - Michael
I had to smile when reading the QR code part,can't believe someone has it on a business card and doesn't know where it leads to. Mr. Bruce is interested in QR codes, but he doesn't have a smart phone. Wishing there were a way to look at info on a PC.
Posted by: MissDazey | 08/12/2011 at 10:58 AM
Hey Miss Dazey! Hope you had a nice visit while in our state. I just did a video version of this story that is headed to our blog. access it I'm doing the QR code...just for fun. You know, if you have a tablet you can use QR Codes. I'm thinking that soon most folks will go with a smart phone of sometype. Apple is upgrading their version this fall with lots of new featuers... Thanks for reading and for the comment! - Michael
Posted by: Michael Libbie | 08/12/2011 at 01:03 PM