Insight on Business News Hour with Michael Libbie is our daily (M-F) look at our world of advertising, marketing and consumer trends. We'll share our opinion on what's making news and give you some tips along the way. Why? It's our attempt to help your product or service gain better market traction in this economy or any. Thanks to our sponsors NatraTurf and Bindery One for helping make this possible. Let's go:
Ride Sharing and Technology
It's not a big thing here in the Midwest. Maybe if and when fuel gets to $5 a gallon we'll see more interest in climbing into a car with a stranger. And, you can bet there are several ways to make it more convenient than word of mouth. Here's a review of four ride-share apps from our friends at Fast Company. Just in case.
Will Madonna and Smirnoff...Mix?
Yes, she has name recognition and so does Smirnoff but how will this new combination go down with younger demos? This week Smirnoff announced that Madonna will front a new series of ads pushing a contest to become the next dancer for the singers tour. It's part of a larger promotion called the Smirnoff Nightclub Exchange Project that seeks to "unite the globe" in one big party this fall. (Rosh Hashanna? Who knew?) Anyway, we've got our doubts. This is the second interesting campaign we've seen in the past month where established brands (the other was Bud Light with their label tweak.) are seeking to connect with younger demos. But, Madonna? If it were Lady Gaga might make more sense... Maybe. Thought you might like to see a 1967 ad featuring ZaZa...for Smirnoff. Just for fun!
Keeping Your Message...Clear
We've written and spoken about this many times: Businesses that hammer home clear, simple and relevant marketing When clients come to us we're always trying to steer them to...simple and un-cluttered messages that stay on point. Sometimes it's tough and we'll argue with them. The companies who But, you've heard us say that way too many times. Perhaps, if you read this great piece from our friend Diane Helbig for American Express Open, you'll see our point. Go ahead...we'll wait.
Using LinkedIn for Trade Shows
Savvy companies that do trade shows can boost their connections by using LinkedIn. Think about it, with millions of B2B connections on LinkedIn you can use it to promote your relationship for a face to face meeting at an industry focused trade show. Warning, for B2C events it might not be as powerful you've already got an online relationship with decision makers in the industry you want to target...why not use it? One other thing. Many industry decision makers tend to think of LinkedIn as a better "business tool" than say, Twitter or Facebook. To them it just feels more like, business. Use it?
We've been having discussions with a client for nearly four years. The basis of our push is this: "People who have pets will, for the most part, spend more money on healthy, natural products." It's a trend that has been rolling for years and I think we've finally gotten some traction as we're designing packaging for a new line of "natural/health" products. But...just to push the point further, have you seen the new Petco logo? Uhm...told ya.
The Stuff We See - "Fly Me!"
Finally a trip down "Memory Lane". We stumbled on this nostalgic video about National Airlines... Just in case you want to see how flying was like a several decades ago. Enjoy.
Thanks - Let's Connect
Thanks for coming by for a quick read. If you want to leave a comment here...please do. Or we can connect on Twitter: @MichaelLibbie (personal and some business) or @InsightADV (business baby, business) and here is our ad agency Facebook Page. Have a great weekend! - Michael