Welcome back to the Business News Headlines for this Monday the 17th day of April. A reminder that tomorrow, Tuesday the 18th is the date when you must file your Federal Tax Return for 2022. That is except if you live in some selected states like California that has seen massive flooding. So for those residents the date has been pushed back until October. Also, remember that you can hook up with us all day on Twitter @IOB_NewsHour and on Instagram. Here's what we've got for you today:
- Air France & Airbus not guilty but it's not over;
- New Developments in the Dominion vs. Fox News case;
- McDonald's is reworking some of their classics and we'll share;
- Inflation and the Central Bank made the news;
- Under 18? You'll need a chaperone to go to this mall;
- Apartments are getting smaller and...why;
- The Wall Street Report;
- Ignoring debt adds to stress and that's an issue for some generations.
Thanks for listening!
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on PlayerFM, Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.