The Friday Wrap is a series of advertising, marketing and business stories you may have seen or...might have missed. Each has our opinion shamefully attached. Thanks for coming by and if you want to comment here, feel free or let's connect on our advertising agency Twitter Stream @InsightADV or our Facebook Page. Ready? Let's go!
Our Friends At Ad Mavericks
Really liked this new piece from Southern Comfort. The idea is to let us know that "common is good" and so is...real. While the ad takes a very long time to get to the product it will make the rounds boosted by us "regular guys" (and women).
So, what do you think? Was my friend Josh Fleming...right in his review? We think
The other day we saw an end-cap showing off, what we thought, was a new direction for AXE. In this photo you can see a Dad and a kid and...gosh it looks not at all like the "babe-watch" images we've come to expect. This is the follow up the the Keifer Sutherland "Fear No Susan Glenn" ad we loved. We were about to give them major props when this video, "Office Love" shows up.
So, does it work? In a very odd way it tells, what is sadly, the truth. So...what is the first thing you notice about a man or...woman? Come on now be honest with us. OK...we likey even though, as in the AXE piece, it takes a very long time to get to the product. But, this is entertainment...not really...selling. There is a difference.
The Key To Successful Business = Remembering Relationships
The other day our Rural Lifestyle side of the company put out a piece featuring information about our client Running Horse Feeds and an event this weekend in Broken Bow, Nebraska with horse trainer(and friend) Craig Cameron. Here is Horses, Craig Cameron & Broken Bow. We shared on Social Media from Twitter to our Facebook Page and others and the result was astounding. Here's the update from this morning. Keep those relationship in good helps!
All Business - No Hype
Jason Falls is coming to Des Moines next week to present to business leaders, marketers and anybody else who will listen some sound advice on how to best use social media for business. Here are our thoughts on the event. You going?
Advertising Agencies & The Science of Packaging
Why do you buy stuff? Our experience is that often folks buy a product because they "like the package". Have you ever wondered why companies change their packaging? Because they, at some point, figured out the science of packaging. Here we look at two stories. One about Miller Lite and the Iowa Speedway and the other about...Fritos. Yep..Fritos.
OK must move on. Thanks for coming by for a read and a look. Have a superior weekend!