Over the course of the past week I've, thanks to Mom, met some of the kindest people on the planet. Mom has been at Edgewater a Wesley Community in West Des Moines/Waukee and, thanks to their alert staff, they made sure Mom was transferred to Mercy West Lakes last Thursday. She was in pretty bad shape with a urinary tract infection (that had just started) some congestive heart failure and confused beyond belief due to the UTI.
Having spent ten years as a long-term health care administrator I have now often wondered how many women, who were diagnosed with dementia, really had a UTI. I shudder to think of that reality.
At Mercy West Lakes they start each morning with a prayer. What I heard was not so much as a prayer for the patients but for the staff who care for the ill and infirm. I'm not Catholic nor a Christian but I found that prayer to be a refreshing reminder of how important the work these wonderful people do.
People like Rachel an RN who is just 24 but delighted in coming into Mom's room to talk "girl stuff" for the longest time. Or TerriSue a social worker whose job it is to be helpful...but she has an amazing talent for being real and kind and considerate. You don't teach that stuff...it comes from inside. Or Lynn the ER Doc who brought tears to my eyes when she said, "You can call me Lynn and know that we will do our best for your Mom. We all have mothers."
And Ginger from Edgewater who, on her day off called back to the skilled care facility to see when Mom might come back so she could make sure there was a bed for her in "her wing". And Katy and Amber and Mary and Carrie and Angie and the list goes on and on and on...all warm, welcoming, wonderful people who are...kind...first.
In the end I have my Mother to thank for introducing me to these kind people. You all make a difference in the lives of the people you touch and we are grateful. Your actions and words restore hope and that...is the greatest kindness. Thank you.
And...so it goes.
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