This morning I woke up, for the first time in my nearly 64 years, without...parents. As many of you know Mom died yesterday afternoon, here, at home. It was the way she wanted it.
And, she, more than often, got exactly what she wanted.
Over the years it has been an honor to do for her. But, I have to tell you she was the "Goldilocks of Meal Time". I would take her some food and...
She would wince and say, "This is too hot!"
I'm sorry Mom it just came out of the oven/microwave/skillet let it cool a bit.
Then, after fifteen minutes she would call out, "Michael, this food is too cold!"
And it was back and forth warming, cooling, warming again....
For nearly three years it's been "Mom Duty" sort of just like that. Never regretting but always trying.
Today, I've got some extra time and feeling a little lost.
Not quite sure what to do with this that her voice is silent.
We'll bury Mom in the National Cemetery in Battle Creek, to my Father. It's what she wanted. And, as you know...she most often got exactly what she wanted. it goes.