This is Ginger one of Mom's nurses in the skilled care unit of Edgewater. She and Mom enjoy each other and joke around. It was also Ginger who worked hard to help out with the recent hospitalization. But, she is dead serious when it comes to safety.
The skilled care unit is centered around therapy. Getting the resident to an optimum level so they can go home. Usually a day or two prior to discharge the resident is put on "independent status" meaning they can move about in their rooms without assistance. Mom likes that part.
However, she's not at that level and needs to call for assistance when moving around. She didn't do that yesterday. "I'm quite capable of getting up out of my chair and going to the bathroom", she said.
Yes Mom, but the rules are that you must have somebody with you. It's for your protection.
"We'll that's silly. Besides, there are people here more sick than I am."
That might be true know the rules.
Ten minutes later, while I was visiting with the Amber, the social worker, Mom decided she needed to go to the bathroom...on her own.
Ginger wasn't funny any longer. "June, you must call us if you are going to get up. If you don't we're going to have to move you closer to the center of the area so we can watch you."
"I don't really want to move", said Mom.
"Well, then use your call button. You do that and we've got a deal. It's a deal, right June?"
Ginger walked out and Mom says, "They don't mess around do they?" it goes.