Sunday Morning Coffee is all about politics, religion, pop culture all laced with my opinion. My name is Michael P. Libbie and if you want to leave a comment here, feel free. But, no hiding kids...if you say it, claim it. Or we can connect on my personal Twitter Stream @MichaelLibbie or my personal Facebook Page is right here. OK...enough of the commercial, let's get some coffee!
Big Bird vs. Malarkey
What a difference a week makes. Vice President Joe Biden faced the young congressman from Wisconsin and won the debate and the day for the Obama - Biden ticket. It was vintage Joe. While Mr. Ryan attempted to go toe to toe with the Vice President it was no contest. OK, so I'm a partisan hack and I know Joe Biden from his many visits to Iowa...many visits...but his performance rocked. And, you know...his word "malarkey" was spot on however I suspect he really wanted to say "Bull-S*it"...and sort of wish he had.
Go Negative...
I'm trying to figure this out. Some of my media friends who supply services to some of my political friends demand candidates "go negative" in their print, radio and TV pieces. Why? "Because negative works!" I'm not so sure. In my business life my job is to read consumer trends and response. We do it for everything from packaging to social media. When we're "selling" a bar of soap to consumers we don't spend our time on why the competition is...lousy. Rather it's all about benefits and rewards the consumer gets. My thought is that negative only cements the base and does little to encourage those who are "undecided". But, hey...I could be wrong. What do you think?
Speaking of the Undecided
Several of us were talking about this the other day and wondering, out loud, where in the world the pollsters are finding "undecided voters". Seriously? How in the name of everything holy, and at this point, can somebody be "undecided"? My Mom often can't decide on what to have for dinner but even she is rock solid on this election. If you know of somebody who says they are "undecided" make sure you keep their name for future reference...especially if you are selling something. It should be an easy sale if it's vanilla ice cream.
They Can't Help Themselves
During the Kentucky Debate between Vice President Biden and Congressman Ryan my "bible banging GOP friends" were all over Proverbs 29:9. The insinuation was that Vice President Biden was the "fool" with his facial gestures, etc. Maybe Exodus 22:28 is in order.
Justice David Wiggins
Plenty of folks from outside Iowa want Iowans to remove Iowa Supreme Court Justice David Wiggins. They have cooked up all sorts of convoluted stories to convince you and I that, "the justices legislated from the bench". Hogwash. Here is what the Court wrote: "Our responsibility, however, is to protect constitutional rights of individuals from legislative enactments that have denied those rights, even when the rights have not yet been broadly accepted, were at one time unimagined, or challenge a deeply ingrained practice or law viewed to be impervious to the passage of time." You might think that being gay is...icky...that's fine. Nobody is asking you to become anything you are not. This is about equal protection not about "eroding traditional marriage". I guess if you want to move Iowa backward and enact legislation that would legalize discrimination have at it. But, I've got to ask you...what group is next in your sights? Retain Justice Wiggins.
Speaking of the Iowa Supreme Court
Two video stories. Last week my friend Scott "Iowa Nice" Siepker released this very cool piece titled "Justice Nice". Careful NSFW words pepper the video:
Also last week the Adams for Senate campaign received a call from Beau Fodor who is known for his company Panache and his involvement in the LGBT community. Beau offered to do a meet and greet for Desmund Adams who is running for the Iowa State Senate. We headed to the Supreme Court Building where an officer informed us we could not shoot video too close to the building. He was nice about it saying, "The Court does not want to appear political in any way." We weren't going to but can appreciate the concern. Here's the video:
The event takes place at the Embassy Club - West in West Des Moines on November 2nd. We'll keep you informed.
This morning in the Sunday Des Moines Register there is a brilliant series of articles about the children of Iowa and the "unprecedented challenges" they face. Written by our friends Donnelle Eller and Mary Stegmeir it is a shocking look at education, poverty, single parent families...and the trends. It's much more than a "report" says Rick Green, VP and Editor of the Des Moines Register, "It is a year long call to action." This is powerful stuff...jump online or go buy a paper.
This Should Sway You...
For those of you on the political fence...Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is coming to Iowa to stump for Governor Mitt Romney. He'll be in Cedar Rapids on Tuesday just ahead of the next debate. Makes you feel all cuddly huh?
Partly Personal
Last week I learned something Seems the Republicans don't care for me...much. I had no idea until I read a post in the West Des Moines Patch which said, (Michael Libbie), "...a truly far left partisan who writes some pretty loony (often with flawed logic) and blog posts full of vitriol rants.." Thank you and I suspect my grandfather Frank, a union organizer in the 1930's would be proud and if you could just string an entire sentence together that would be even...cooler.
Partly Personal Two: We took in Farm Crawl 2012 last Sunday. Here is just one of the videos, this from Blue Gate Farm one of the eight farms that took part. And, yes...there is...BEER!
Have a wonderful Sunday! - Michael