Sunday Morning Coffee is something you can relax with and, at the same time, increase your blood pressure. It's the start of a new week so I get to look back, and forward, at the stuff that revolves around my life...and yours. Sometimes serious, often not, Sunday Morning Coffee is the stuff that helps make you crazy(er). If you want to leave a comment here, feel free or let's connect on Twitter @MIchaelLibbie or my personal Facebook Page. My name is Michael P. Libbie and I approve of this message. Grab a cup...but careful, the coffee is..HOT! (Many images expand if you click on 'em.)
Out Of Step...Always
From our "Blow It Out Your Pie Hole" Department: We here in Iowa chuckle a bit when the Republican presidential contenders come to our state to rail against President Obama and the our lackluster economy. ' ain't but, nobody checks or seems to care. You see, here in Iowa, our unemployment rate is about 5.8%. That's not good for the unemployed folks but hardly a back-drop for the GOP to scare folks into voting for them. But, nobody's the sound bites we're after. I'm working with CNN on an event scheduled in Des Moines later this month. The producer wanted to know how Iowans were, "...coping with the severe economic downturn". Huh? But, don't take my word for's a quick piece from our friends at the New York Times. What you don't know is that the president of Vermeer (the backdrop company for many GOP economic rantings and mentioned in the MSNBC story), Mary Andringa, was appointed, by President Obama, to the Export Council last July.
My Bride noticed it on Thanksgiving morning during the Macy's Parade: "Hey that Santa has a fake beard and wig! You can see his dark hair under his hat." True... Seems the folks at Macy's want a more "uniform look" so they booted the folks who have real whiskers and bellies for "store bought Santas" that are...really...fake. Don't think so? Here's the story from our friends at MSNBC and the case of the Portland Santas. What is so very ironic is that Macy's part of the story line for Miracle on 34th Street. Macy's must have a younger bunch running their marketing department.
Iowa & Poor Stephen Bloom
Some folks are just born into a life of misery. That seems to be the story on University of Iowa professor Stephen Bloom who recently wrote a very long and very sad tale about his "adopted state" Iowa for The Atlantic. Trouble many things Bloom's made up. I'm thinking we now have an answer for why fabricated journalism (Bloom is a journalism professor) is so much in's taught. Anyway, here is the best article I've seen about Bloom's "over reaching" article. It's from the Bleeding Heartland and well worth the read.
Two weeks ago Governor "For Life"Terry Branstad floated the goofy idea that if a high school student does not graduate with a "B Average" they should not be allowed to apply to a teaching college. (I know, you "less government" Tea Party folks will fall into line on that one.) So, I spent some time with successful people...and teachers...asking them their opinion. Nobody has agreed. In fact of the many people I've asked most said if their high school grades meant the "end of the line" for really would have been the end of the line for their successful careers. Looks like Governor Branstad is an...elitist?
Sexy Newscasters...
Erin Kiernan of WHO-TV 13 is...cute. But, is she also distracting? I just stumbled on a Indiana University study that says male viewers find sexy news anchors...distracting. The study says men will watch the news but we forget what the attractive female news anchor just...said. Me think that's not a true observation. Many men, just by our nature...forget...stuff. Wait...that's it!!! Maybe it's just because my Bride is just so darn...cute. Finally I've found an answer for why I'm so distracted! It's her fault!!! Bet my friend Michael Kiernan has the same problem. Here is the story from AOL News.
I Like Hockey...But Seriously?
Last night my three year old grand-daughter and I went to the Des Moines Buccaneers Hockey Game. Jovie...loves the action. I went up to the window to get the tickets and the lovely person behind the glass said she would have to charge me full price for Jovie so I laid out the 17 bucks...for a Bucs Ticket. I dunno, it just seemed odd. Three weeks ago it was a different story, no charge for her. Maybe it's the economy. But, as you can see, I made Jovie work off the price of admission.
Max Wellman Concert
My Bride and I went this past Thursday to the Max Wellman "Home for the Holidays" concert at the Temple for Performing Arts. Today is the final performance and...if you value good stuff you will drop your Big Box Shopping Trip and get a ticket to see this great show. Max, who is just twenty years old, is fantastic and when you hear Tina Haase Findlay doing an acapella of "Oh Holy Night" you will...melt. The performance today is at 3:00PM. You will thank me for this tip...promise. Look, I'll make it even easier for is the link to get tickets!
I'm on a "buy local" kick ever since I learned that 73% of every dollar you spend on Main Street stays in town vs. 23% when you Buy Big Box. I'm in. Anyway, and just in time for the the Holidays, my friend Wendy Bernstein has this neat shop in her home where she makes all sorts of neat stuff, mostly jewelery, and then can pack them in this very cool home-made box. We've made a couple of buys...and thought you might like to see some of her work from alwaysgreener over at Esty. Neat huh?
Desmund Adams - Iowa Senate
Tired of the hate speech? Me too. I am sick to death of folks pitting Christians against folks who aren't. I am tired of the politics of "us" vs. "them". I am weary of having members of the Iowa Legislature go to work and govern for their select few myopic constituents who care nothing for all the people and stick to their policy of exclusion. The critical issues of Jobs, Equality, Education and Progress are what I care about and me thinks that is you too. That's why I signed up to work with and for my friend Desmund Adams who is running for the Iowa Senate in District 22 made up of Clive, Waukee, West Des Moines and Windsor Heights. We had a "house party" for him last week and even the folks who consider themselves Independent and/or Republicans came away from the event impressed and invigorated. You can follow the campaign on the website and on Twitter. Desmund is allowing me to have a hand in the areas of media and communication. More to come! Join us?
It seems funny to call our daughter Hunter the "Cake Lady" but...she is. WOW can this girl bake a mean dessert! Not only does it taste great but looks fantastic. She's been doing this as a hobby for the past few months and is now doing some work for St. Joseph folks she knows. This week she brought her talents to Iowa... One word: YUMMY! If you want a connection...she is a friend on Facebook.
It's Mitt - Des Moines Register Endorsement
One step closer... That's our thought regarding the Des Moines Register endorsement of former Governor Mitt Romney. The Register Editorial Board sat down with each of the Republican Candidates and picked Governor Romney from the field of the GOP hopefuls. It was and is a smart choice and one we made months ago. They used three words to describe why: Sobriety, Wisdom and Judgement. Should Governor Romney win the Iowa Caucus and go on to the presidential race I think it will be a tough fight for President Obama. Should any other person win the nomination...the president sails to an easy victory. Let the party begin.
Chris Hagenow...Week 44
It's now week forty-four without my Chris Hagenow Newsletter. Chris is my Representative in the Iowa House. Except he actually doesn't represent me...I don't think. I do know that he ignores me...and many others that don't cotton to his narrow views. I think. Because I really don't know. I haven't gotten the newsletter.
That's It & Thanks!
As always, hope you have a fantastic week. Go..see...Wellman. It will make the holidays worth the effort. ;-) - Michael