Nice To Have Somebody Watching Your Back
June 20, 2007
The e-mail arrived early in the morning on Tuesday. It said, "I'm not sure if you heard but the office for the National Tractor Parts Dealer Association flooded on Sunday night. People were being lifted off their roof-tops it was so bad. I couldn't get into the office on Monday. Headed there today we need to alert the members. Thanks Phyllis"
Phyllis is Phyllis Cox the excutive director of the National Tractor Parts Dealer Association (NTPDA) and a client of ours. She was telling me about the recent flood in Gainesville, Texas which is blamed for the death of at least five people.
The Power of the Blog: We built their website a couple of years ago and just this year the association decided to start a blogging process to enhance communication among members and visitors interested in new and used tractor and agricultural parts. We, right away went to their internal blog site, logged in and within a few minutes mass e-mailed the membership and posted a blog so folks would know the status of the office. It was that simple.
Our thanks to our stratigic partners at DWebWare for their assistance in getting things rolling.
Our hearts go out to those who died in the flooding and our prayers are with their family members and the people who are now putting their life back together.
Sometimes advertising agencies get involved in more than just selling products and services for their clients. Phyllis wrote back and said "thanks". No Phyllis...thank you for the opportunity.
Michael P. Libbie - Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications where we attempt to understand there is a difference between a job and a relationship.