She's In...She's Out...She's In
June 08, 2007
Kind of quiet here at the office this afternoon so Kunta and I were talking about the latest developments in the ongoing saga of Paris Hilton.
Me: "Say, Kunta...what do you think about this business with Paris Hilton being sent back to jail?
Kunta: "Hello Kunta!"
Me: "No, stay on track...I'm really interested in your take on this. After all you are one of the brightest professionals here at Insight."
Kunta: "Are you OK?"
Me: "Sure I am. Just answer the question. I really would like your input."
Kunta: "Where's Mom?"
Me: "She's at the store, no doubt buying you another toy."
Kunta: "Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!"
Me: "This isn't funny Kunta. Look most of the world out there knows about this goofy woman and her troubles with the law. In jail one day, out three days later, back in jail again today."
Me: "We're not talking about Mom...we're talking about PARIS HILTON! Come on everybody is talking about her."
Kunta: "Whoooo Whooo!" (Hear "wolf whistle")
ME: "Yeah, she is a looker isn't she. Even in her booking photo. I think she had it retouched."
Kunta: "Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha."
Me: "Can you imagine being famous for nothing? Nothing but being the ultimate "bad girl" and people actually take up their time with this woman and her issues. I wonder what the Sheriff and she had going that he let her out with out the judge and courts being involved. Man, this whole thing is really silly. I mean I think society is going upside down. We're more interested in this little tramp than we are about the serious issues of our time. Where is our concern about energy issues, the environment, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, families in trouble, the Farm Bill and a whole host of things?"
Kunta: "Good boy!"
Me: "Thanks Kunta...I thought that was petty profound too. I knew I could count on you to help me work through it."
Michael P. Libbie - Where you can always get in touch with us "deep thinkers" by clicking here.