Paying But Not Listening?
Makin' It or Suckin' It?

Catch The Passion

This past Saturday night we sat through the world premire of The Sparks Fly Upward.  Our company is the agency of record for The Sparks Project so we'd been to several events, seen the rehearsals and we were at the dress rehearsal.  Needles to say we were pretty much familiar with the cast, the music and the mission.  This story is not so much about the musical but about passion.

Knacht Now there is a word, "Passion".  It's a word folks tend to throw around without much consideration to its depth of meaning.  Our society has also done the same for words like, "amazing", "awesome" and "fantastic".

And, it's too bad.  Because that is the first word that came to mind when LeAnne Freeman-Miller (above) stepped onto the stage in the lead role of Lina Rosenbaum.

Cast I guess I should have caught on prior to opening night but I didn't.  I should have caught on to her level level of talent when downloading photos from a shoot, two nights before the opening, it was her character that dominated so many of the pictures.  Something kept drawing me to her work.  It must have been her passion.

That is not to say the others in the cast lacked anything.  It was a great performance by Tim Robinson (pictured above with Freeman-Miller), Tana Field and the wonderful voice of young Anthony De Meglio.  They, and the others, took their craft to a level that had ticket holders wondering out loud how in the world Des Moines could field such a professional cast.  (Here is the Des Moines Register review.) So, thank you for your energy and your dedication and for making a difference.

And, LeAnne, thank you for your passion.

My job is to ask those of you reading because you are "into" advertising and marketing...have you got it?

Michael Libbie - Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications


