Internet Sales - Tell Me Again Why You Are Not...
March 25, 2009
This past Sunday on our radio show, Highway 6 - Your Road to the Country we talked to Brad Smith of The Smith Family Farm out of Gainsville, Virginia. We met through Twitter. His family farm website looked interesting and he had a compelling story about staying in business as a fifth generation farmer in the shadow of Washington, D.C.
During our discussion I asked him about the power of the Internet and how using it has impacted his life and his farm.
Here is that brief 90 second conversation.
Now tell me again why you, as a business, are not using the Internet for sales activity? As you heard, for the Smith Family, it's made the difference in their ability to live the life they love...and they are selling farm products for cryin' out loud!
Thanks for reading and for listening...
Michael P. Libbie - Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications where we can help you get more ways than one.