"Sunday Morning Coffee" is that time to, briefly, reflect on several issues from the past week and give you our thoughts...not a lot of advertising and marketing here. We'll ramp
that up again on Monday... But, for now, grab a cup and let's go.
Seems that some folks don't know when to grow up...or shut up. In The Des Moines Sunday Register today there's a story about yet another Iowan getting fired because he took a "Seinfield" joke a little to far. The message here kids, it's a TV show that was about nothing. Don't bet your career on it and worse yet, when a woman says, "no"... pay attention.
The numbers at the Iowa State Fair are way down this year. Some are suggesting the economy while others have managed to, on the Internet and local radio, make some really poor comments about Iowa's biggest attraction. We first made our venture to the fair Saturday night for a few hours. Long enough to say "howdy" to several friends and buy a pair of $5 barn boots at Muir Embroidery and Sports Shop. Todd Muir and his father have expanded their "Fair Store" in the Cattle Building to over half the foyer. But what? NO website???? However, five-dollar boots? Very cool.
In case you missed it, we told a brief story about one of our clients, Country Vet Pet Food and the "baseball player" somebody at their facility saw in a dog food bag we created for hunters and sporting dog trainers. We didn't see it...but hey, baseball is a sport too.
Meanwhile, the pubic will soon meet "Trio" from NatraTurf. It's the eighth product we've helped develop for our client over the past 14 months. What does it do? It makes beautiful lawns and gardens....with no fertilizer. We'll tell you more soon.
Still no word from the Iowa GOP or the Iowa Democrats about moving the 2010 Iowa Caucus off a Saturday afternoon. The parties agreed to this boneheaded move on July 28th. We sort of figured somebody might call and say, "tough" but nothing? Odd or is it? If they move forward with their plans, we predict their numbers will be even lower...at least we hope so.
Kizzy, our African Gray Parrot, is settling in around the place. Many of you might remember that Kunta flew out of our home and our hearts on April 26th. After months of looking we caved and brought Miss Kizzy home. Later today it's off to the "Caged Bird Society" show to look for toys. I'm telling you this is worse than having kids again. And, almost as expensive.
Speaking of kids...two more of our grandchildren were in town Saturday. Miss Sailor and Mr. Jake came up with Mom...from St. Joe. It was a great day...and I think Sailor is maybe...just maybe thinking her Zaydee is a pretty neat guy. We'll see. We looking forward to their daddy coming home from Afghanistan in a few weeks. He's a pilot who flies C-130's and everybody misses him.
For those of you who follow our writting you might remember our friend in Illinois, Leah Guffey Banister who lives in a very rural area near Springfield. We had mentioned her in a publication about social media. Last week her home was damaged by a tornado that ripped through town. We heard about it on Twitter where she is known as @FarmerSpice. Nobody hurt but loads of damage. Meanwhile her husband is still serving in Iraq. We wish you all well.
That's it! Told you very little in the way of business...we'll save that for later in the week. A reminder that our radio show, Insight on Business is heard Monday - Friday starting at 12:30 Central. We hope you'll come by for a listen on advertising and marketing tips and stories. www.MacsWorldLive.com is the address. Hey, speaking of Insight on Business, it was a real joy to re-connect with my old ranch rodeo buddy, Janet Tingwald this past week on the air. We talked about her business and getting employees motivated and leaders to lead. Good stuff.
If you want to keep up with us you can follow us on Twitter, @MichaelLibbie or @InsightADV and @RuralLifeRadio. Thanks for reading...now, get out to the fair today and boost those numbers. It's 1/2 price you know!
Michael Libbie - Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications you can learn more at www.InsightCubed.com have a great Sunday!