A Preview of Internet Radio
Small Business Failure...Who Is Responsible?

Steve Farber - Helping Me Remember...

Last night I had the opportunity to hang out with a couple dozen folks at a very non-structured gathering of the Central Iowa Bloggers (CIB) at a “TweetUp” in West Des

Steve Farber MPL

Moines.  Our friend Drew McLellan brought Steve Farber to town.  WHO is Steve Farber

Here is a link.  He was out promoting his new book, Greater Than Yourself and spent a couple of days seeing and meeting loads of folks in the creative business community.  His new project is all about helping others to succeed.  In a nutshell the book encourages us to build up others and make the world a little better by helping them become greater than ourselves. That unselfish dedication to not only lend a hand; but also a boost through teaching and pushing and most importantly, investing in others.  What is the reward?  Giving is really getting

You and I have had those people in our lives…. and today on the radio show, Insight on Business, I spoke about two people who did for me what Steve Farber talked about...they took their time and talents and worked with me to make me a better person. 

Folks like Dr. Herbert Jonas who taught me so much about my faith and how to  serve others by going out of our way to show them we care.  For over two years Herb drug me to meetings, prisons, hospitals, speaking opportunities all in an effort to teach me. In the end, and in a most dramatic way, he entrusted me with something very valuable.  I think of him daily.

Or Dr. Clarance Tompkins a Methodist preacher who, along with many others, built a place called Friendship Haven.  When I was hired, the first non-minister and first non-Christian, to head up the Development and Public Relations office Dr. Tompkins spent hours and hours sharing with me his knowledge and passion for fund raising.  I'll never forget his words, "Never ask for money.  Share the dream and the money will follow."  And, he was right.

So...in your life...who has touched you in a way that has made a difference.  And the follow up might be...have you passed it on to help make somebody else, Greater than Yourself?


