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Sunday Morning Coffee - January 17, 2010

Morning...or if you are a late riser, "What the heck have you been doing?  We've had the pot on for hours!"  Sunday morning, that great time of the week to sit down, look bothCoffee Cu ps ways, and share some stories.  Let's get into our Sunday Morning Coffee...

Haiti- Who would have thought an event of such human suffering could bring such a shock wave of negative political and religious talk.  But, that is not the real story. Millions of folks...folks like you and I...from around the globe have discounted the wackos and given millions of dollars in relief funding.  In spite of...or because of the "Side Show".  Here is a listing of relief organizations deemed the highest rated by Charity Navigator, an independent non-profit organization that lists charity groups based on effectiveness and financial strength.  

Ag Connect Logo For those of you in the world of agriculture Ag-Connect, the new farm equipment show put together by the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), ended on Friday night.  The short story is that nearly 8,000 people attended the three day event (The World Ag Expo in Tulare averages 100,000 attendees) and according to this interview with Charlie O'Brian of AEM the show can be described in one word, "quality".  We'll have more later this week over at Rural Life Radio...after we talk directly to attendees.

Does anybody really care about Jay Leno or Conan O'Brian or NBC?  Just wondering.

Here in Des Moines the 18th Annual No-Till Ag Conference ended.  It was one of the most interesting events I've been to.   Seminar after seminar, well into the night, discussing sustainable agriculture.  And...get this, farmers paid $249 per person for the opportunity to attend the three day meeting.  And no, that doesn't include lodging.  Attendance?  Up. (For those of you "selling something" there is a message here.)Mingle_logo2

Have you "Mingled" lately?  Here is the piece I did last week.  Legs?  We think so...but now the real work starts:  Keeping the BUZZ going.

Staying a bit local...on Wednesday I'll be presenting at a meeting of the Urbandale Chamber at the Comfort Suites at Living History Farms.  We'll be talking about small business and marketing.  Kicks off at 11:30AM with registration.

I had one of the nicest things said about me this week by Mike Winter of Worthington Ag Parts.  He was in Nashville at the NTPDA National Conference and Tweeted:  "Second lousy speaker in a row.  Where is Michael Libbie when we really need him?"  Thanks Mike.

Are you keeping things...simple?  Or are you confusing the hell out of your customer?

JOBS Looking for a job?  I've had my head in the sand on this one.  Last week I attended an event called "Net 2 Work".  Here is an insightful post from my friend Suzanne Hull from Unemployed in Des Moines.  (Scroll down on her's there.)  It's a networking group that meets twice a month to allow folks that are unemployed or under-employed the opportunity to learn, from professionals and others, all sorts of ideas when it comes to getting hired.  There were 56 folks at this meeting.  Here is what I learned:  Technology IS NOT your friend if you are looking for a job.  The majority of HR functions regarding on-line applications are handled by a computer who spits out rejection letters based on key-words in your application!  I honestly had NO idea.  I heard from several people how they went around the system to get hired.  Even if you get a rejection back.  Something really silly may have triggered the rejection.  In the name of everything holy...this is insane.  And, HR people, don't tell me you "do not have the time" to review  applications.  That, in case you your job.

That's it...   A  quick reminder of our daily (Monday - Thursday) business radio/tv show, Insight on Business.  We talk about advertising, marketing, consumer trends and best business practices for 90 minutes starting at 12:30PM Central.  It's for folks who enjoy thinking...about business. 

Thanks for coming by for a sip of Sunday Morning Coffee.  You can keep up with us on Twitter:  @MichaelLibbie (business and personal) or @InsightADV (Business or @RuralLifeRadio (our love for everything rural).  Have a great Sunday!






















