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Sunday Morning Coffee - August 22, 2010

Kids of all ages gather around!  It's Sunday and that means the pot is on with some SundayCoffee Cu ps Morning Coffee.  Here is a look back at the week that was and forward to see what we'll be doing and talking about in the coming days.  Consider it scattered thoughts from a cluttered mind.  Let's' go!

For those of you in Des Moines it looks as if the "Merle Hay Auto Mile" is getting shorter with the announcement that Stivers Merle Hay is closing and moving west to their super store in Waukee.  The outward migration continues...  Consolidating their business makes sense, it's the trend after the recession.  Wonder what convenience store will go there?

American-airlines-logo American Airlines

They announced last week that there will be an added fee if you want to sit toward the front of COACH CLASS.  I share this with you to prove the fact that boneheaded moves can come from big business as will as "Mom & Pop".  Charge for bags?  Check.  Charge for snacks?  Check.  Charge for pillows?  Check  Charge for the privilege of sitting against the bulkhead with your knees under your chin?  Check.   Next up:  "Oh, Mr. Libbie, you want to sit down during the flight?"

Please, Southwest...come to Des Moines...  Please.

I see where "I want to be Governor For Life", Terry Branstad wants to shutter the Iowa Department of Economic Development and create a private/public partnership even though the department has been wildly successful in bringing some major players Google, Microsoft, etc. to Iowa.  Where have we heard this before?   Come on kids...put your thinking caps on. is a hint:  "Social Security".  You're on your own after that.Gov Culver Steer Show

Meanwhile...and I don't do politics...Governor Chet Culver did get some applause at the Governor's Charity Steer Show at the Iowa State Fair.  Not much...but you have to understand the crowd.  Agriculture folk hate the governor.   They are not really sure why...but they do and it's...weird and frankly, disrespectful.  You guys know better than that. (Photo: Flicker - Gov. Chet Culver)

Sad note!  Today is the final day of the Great Iowa State Fair - 2010...  I was only on the "Hollowed Ground" twice this year.  My bride believes there are more important things to do like pack and move...  Jeeze! 

Drum roll....   Come on you can do it!  Last Thursday during Insight on Business with Michael Libbie we showed you the weekly winner for "The Worst Ad of the Week".  I do not want to leave you in the dark you go.  One word:  Creepy.

Are you OK?

My friends over at The Des Moines Egotist carried the story on Friday.  I want to thank you guys for watching our show!!  ;-)  Oh...and I hear that they just may feature ME in tomorrow's Fly Strip edition.  ("I was born a poor white child in Detroit....")  You guys are TOO cool!!  Thank you!!

From our : "I'll Do Everything I can to be Accepted at Eastside Night"  We have gnats so we have added to our Kitchen Decor the science and technology of an Iowa Barn.  Hey...It's natural!  And, a great conversation piece when guests, come a-callin'.

Last week we were at our son's new house helping him, and his lovely bride,...paint.  They have no gnats...or fly catchers.  It's a shame.

Have you followed us on our Facebook Page for Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications?  I'm just asking because you really should.  For the love of everything you hold it for the children!  Plus you'll be the first on your block to get our daily updates for Insight on Business and loads of fun stuff like that special, secret de-coder ring...well not really but...come on, it's free!Woman attractive

Speaking of Facebook:  For those of you wanting to improve your social media response to Facebook Ads, one word:  Cleavage!   It seems a recent study proves that cleavage gets the highest response 61% higher than "normal".    Clearly the research is flawed so we at Insight Advertising will have to take on the task of double checking the methodology.  Is that OK honey?

Tomorrow on our show, Insight on Business with Michael Libbie it's Metro Monday and our special guests (Yes, we will have a total of 3!) will be Brian Waller the Executive Director of the Des Moines Downtown Chamber of Commerce (there are 28 in the Metro) and Marc Hollander from the Davis Brown Law Offices and "PR Guy" for the Downtown Chamber.  

No doubt we'll be asking Brian and Marc about the changing face of Downtown Des Khenri boloMoines.  While we are seeing some fantastic new construction...we're also seeing more empty office space and even buildings.   There is this story from The Des Moines Register about yet another restaurant closing notice the number of square feet available with more to come...should be a great buy.

THEN...and yes, there is more...coming in at 1:00PM we'll be visiting with Keelia Paulsen of Kehenri.  Good stuff coming up tomorrow at Noon Central and only on Webcast One LIVE!WebCastOneLive image

Did you hear?  Gas prices are expected to fall after Labor Day.  Labor's one of those holidays I can never remember when it is...until it's here.

Good news for Rural America!  Former Iowa Governor and now US Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack came to Iowa to announce more money for Rural Broadband Internet connection projects.  And, he used OUR LINE about the importance of the project to the economy.   Love it when we are quoted.  Here is the story from our post from, Highway 6 - Your Road to the Country.

OK...must put this to press...the sun has just crested and it's looking like another warm and sticky be moving boxes.  Have a great Sunday and we'll catch you back here tomorrow.  By the way, I monitor Twitter @MichaelLibbie as well as @InsightADV just in case you want to keep in touch there.  Thanks for reading...must go change the fly catcher.













