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Sunday Morning Coffee - May 15, 2011

We've got a little news, some gossip, some politics and a tip or two.  It'sCoffee Cu ps  Sunday Morning Coffee, time to kick back and take a look at what's been going on and a peek into the future.  And, because it's a conversation there are ways you can continue to move this forward at the end of the post.  Let's move on to some stuff we wish we didn't have to talk about...but will.

All Ginned Up...

I've never really cared for gin.  I remember my folks would hold martini parties (That's what folks did in the 1950's..and they SMOKED TOO!).  There was always a bottle or two of gin in the house.  I Man Martini Tux tried it...but the bite was a bit much.  However State Representative Greg Forristall (R-Macedonia) likes it...a bunch.  This week the Chairman of the Iowa House Education Committee was stopped by a State Trooper for going the wrong way, up a hill, on a two lane state highway.  Greg told the Trooper he had drank some gin earlier in the day.  How much earlier isn't known but a search of Greg's car turned up an open bottle of the stuff and two hours later Greg's blood alcohol level was .276...more than three times the legal limit.  Whoa...  A number of legislators, from both parties, have been picked up for drunk driving.  Must be loads of pressure staying true to those very important issues like zero growth allowed for education.

What I'm Drinking... Man What Drinking

You might find this a fun read.  It's from our friend The Phyne Dyner and it's a new part of his regular food/social commentary musings.  Go ahead...have a read...we'll wait.  Funny and smart.

All Tired Out...

Last night was a late night.  After Shabbos we headed over to some friends and stayed late.  Ugh...moving slow this morning kids.  But it was some great conversation...with good friends.  They too were interested in this story:

Governor Mike Huckabee Out

Michele Bachmann It's official and this move opens up the door for the new darling of the Republician Religious/Fringe Right...our gal Michele Bachmann.  I tell you folks we're catching some steam here!  Last week Michele, correctly, took credit for bagging Osama this week she's inched up in the polls now that Mike is out.  Whoot.  Remember the slogan for 2012:  "Our Michele is HOTTER than your Michelle!".

Freedom of Information Act = No Information

You're going to LOVE this story from the Des Moines RegisterIt's about no bid contracts for the Iowa Foundation for Medical Care that started out at $340,473 but mushroomed to $123 million.  And it's about how government agencies refuse to turn over documents under the Federal Freedom of Information Act...for years.  Clark Kauffman writes a great article.  Wondering if I can get me one of them Iowa Foundation for Medical Care jobs? (On the side...) Those folks are rollin' in your money.  How cool!!

Webmaster Hell...Wizard

Webmasters and Social Media/Marketing don't mix well.  There is something about being a "Webmaster" that goes to ones head.  Last week I had a client ask me to log into their new blog and leave a comment so they could see how it works.  I went to their blog, clicked "Comment" and was taken to a page where I had to provide a login and password....???  I sent a note to our client and received this back from their "Webmaster". "We've decided that before we allow a comment we'll gather information that will be forwarded on to the marketing department so they can determine if the comment should be allowed."  Note:  NEVER get a "Webmaster" involved in marketing.  NEVER...they will screw it up for you...because they have the power or think they do.   Weary kids...weary.   Enough business...back to fun stuff!

Bike To Work Week - Iowa

Bike to work week Dust off your seat...both of them...and park the larger one on the smaller one.  It's time for Bike To Work Week!  Our friends from Bike Iowa are gathering names of folks who are pledging to bike to work...even if it's only a couple of times.  Bicycling...now that gas in near $4 a gallon, is going to get bigger and Bike Iowa is in the front of the pack with information and advocacy.  Good stuff and great folks.  Here is your link to the pledge form.   Good biking!

Praying & The Military

Today at the Iowa State Capitol my friend John Kelling and his group, My Father's Voice, are gathering at 2PM for a Prayer Vigil.  The event will feature a host of people and information.  If you are going be at the West Side of the Capitol today before 2.  John and I go back to his days with MediaCom.  His calling to lift up the military and their families in prayer has been a remarkable calling and something he is clearly dedicated to.  Nice work John. 

That's It...

Thanks for coming by and if you would like to carry on the conversation leave a comment below, send me an e-mail, follow me on Twitter @MichaelLibbie or here is my personal Facebook Page.  It's off to work...I believe my Bride has a Busy Day in store.  Have a great Sunday... Michael









