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Let Me Help...

I am so sorry!  I was a "Twitter Grump" yesterday as I begged folks who Sorry Puppy have a Twitter Stream, but fail to use it correctly, to just turn if off and stop:  "Just Stop It Twitter - Our Insight".

I'm better today.  So let me help you with some ways that can turn your Twitter Stream into a useful tool for business:

  1. Fill Out Your Profile - Give us an idea of who you are and what you want to do.  Use your photo, if possible, or at least your name so we know you are...real;
  2. Where Are You - Give us a city, state or a state of mind...something besides longitude and latitude.  Our geography ain't that good;
  3. Link - Link your profile to your blog, Facebook account or at the least your website.  We might want to find out more about you;
  4. Search - Look for customers, clients, folks in your area so you can follow their ACTIVE Twitter Streams.  You'll learn so much about the consumer you are trying to reach;
  5. Share Thoughts - We know some folks who clog their Twitter Streams with quotes of other people.  Come MUST have an original thought or two.  Share it;
  6. Remember Mom - Write stuff that would not be offensive to...Mom.  You and your career will thank us for that thousands of times;
  7. Stop Selling - We call it the 80/20 Rule: 80% of your Tweets should be about the news, what you think, what you are doing, where you are going, what you like, who impresses you, re-Tweets that mirror your thoughts;
  8. Respond - If somebody Tweets you or re-Tweets one of your posts say..."Thank you".  Remember we want to know you are human and not a bot;
  9. Be Silly - Hey, it's OK.  You've got 140 Characters you can be fun...just like you were in the bar last night.  (OK, see #6);
  10. Post Photos - Folks like to see what you are seeing and doing.  It adds a dimension to
  11. BONUS - IF you have a Twitter Account...use it?  And maybe more than just during business hours.  Schedule kids...

OK?  I feel so much better now.  I give you permission to engage!




If you would like to leave a comment here, feel free.  And/or join us on Twitter @InsightADV and our advertising agency Facebook Page is right here.   Thanks for coming by.

Just Stop It...Twitter - Our Insight

We love us our Twitter Streams.  Each day we use Twitter for personal and Stop Image business reasons to learn, teach and talk with people all over the world.  It's an amazing tool. 

Often we head back and check on folks who have followed our stream so we can, if they are active, follow them...back.  And there is the rub.  "Active".  We've seen it all, "Social Media Experts" who post once a day or once a week. "Advertising Agencies" who talk social media but do little.  Writers, photographers, voice talent, businesses, marketing "gurus" all, at one time, get the urge to use Twitter for Business  Always selling or never engaging.

So...stop it.  Please.  If you honestly don't get it...stop.  Delete your Twitter Stream and quit.  Or...

If you really want to figure this out get some help.  Learn how to incorporate Twitter into your Blog or Facebook or LinkedIn or YouTube...the choices are here.  But, in the end we understand why it doesn't work for you.  Because it  It's not magic.  It isn't broadcasting.  And, it can't be outsourced with great rewards.

What do you think.  Go ahead, take a shot.  Let us know where we're missing the boat...your turn.


We Can Learn Much By...Listening

Those of us working in the world of advertising and marketing are quick to offer our (wonderful) ideas to just about anybody who will listen.  Over the years we've learned it is far better to shut up...and listen to the WH Chamber Jan 2013 conversation around you.  But do other folks...get it?

This afternoon I was in a small group of business people from the Windsor Heights Chamber.  Each person around the room introduced themselves and gave a little story about their business.  There was a common thread in each:

"We go beyond simply offering a product or service."  Nearly everybody there spoke about what they do and then shared what they really do is...listen to their customers/clients/consumers and then tailor what they offer to the unique needs of folks buying what they are selling.

Put names on speciality items? Check! "We like to go beyond just taking an order and we ask questions about where these items are going to be used, who is the target audience and what message does the consumer expect." Chris Gregersen, Premium Solutions.

Bake Cakes for folks? Check! "I've learned, over the years that our clients need to talk first.  We listen to what they want and then suggest, in a very friendly manner what changes they might make to be happier with the final product." Gloria Olson, Glorious Desserts.

Write and sell advertising? Check! "We take our time to sit down and listen to our customers. Even if they have a tiny budget perhaps there is someway in which we can help them.  We don't push, we listen." Jolene Goodman, Iowa Living Magazines.

Pinch me!!! It could be real! 




If you wish to comment here, feel free or join us on our Twitter Stream @InsightADV or our advertising agency Facebook Page is right here


If you have followed our work you know we love "Less is More".  The idea behind this concept is to get the consumer to NOTICE you or your product/service.  The secondary goal is to sell.  When this flier from Target arrived in this morning's newspaper we had to share.

In a word it is: STUNNING

Target 2013 Cover

The designer created a visual WOW with color and motion calling attention to the two items being sold while shouting...classy.  We may never look at Tide or Welch's Grape Juice in the same way.  Well done, simple and stunning.  Your thoughts?




If you would like to comment here, feel free.  Or follow us on our advertising agency Twitter Stream @InsightADV and here is our agency Facebook Page.  Thanks for coming by!

Twitter for Business & Mediacom

There is a "love/hate" relationship with so many of our utility companies. We think the reason for this disconnect is not always service but Mediacom screen communication.  We've all had to call an 800 number and speak with a customer service representative who must (by some body's order) go through a script all the while saying, "Thank you for that information..." and then offer a prescribed set of "fixes" but no ability to share what's really going on.  It's frustrating and causes consumer problems.

Some time ago we found the "back-channel" to consumer confidence.  It's called Twitter.  Over the years we've communicated with major corporations from American Express to Enterprise Rent-A-Car and always been pleased. The same with our friends who work the magic at @MediacomSupport.  Mediacom, a regional cable TV outlet, has figured out that building relationships builds the bottom line and customer loyalty.  Not only that but if you read the interaction above MediacomSupport actually is...human...coming back with a "good night wish".  Impressive...

Mediacom has also figured out the reason to use Twitter is not to sell products/services but to actually reach out to consumers to listen and engage.  Your lesson here is just that...reach out, listen and advise.  Offer something useful to your customers like...customer service that is directed and personal.  How?  See above.



If you would like to leave a comment here, feel free.  Or let's visit on our advertising agency Twitter Stream @InsightADV and here is our agency Facebook Page.  Thanks for coming by!

The Fridge Magnet & Pizza

We're always on the lookout for some neat ideas and when we saw this Red-tomato-pizza-ordering-button campaign from TBWA/RADD for their client Red Tomato Pizza we were impressed. It recently won the 2012 Caples Award for direct marketing.

Not only did they stay in budget ($9,000) but according to the story deliveries went up by 500% and over 93,000 requests from new customers but the company also hit the bulls-eye with free media (this post being one) that was worth over $8 million.

The down-side:  The pizza place is located in...Dubai.  But, what the heck it's still a very cool idea.  Here's a look at their video:


So, what new way can you connect with your consumer base?  Come on now...think!



If you want to comment here, feel free or follow our advertising agency Twitter Stream @InsightADV or our agency Facebook Page, which is right here.  Thanks for coming by!