Are You An Agnostic?
June 20, 2013
I was listening to a report on NPR and the person being interviewed said
something about his work, "I'm not going to be agnostic about this." BAM! That got us to thinking about business and how sometimes owners, managers, workers are "agnostic" about what they do. They really do not believe.
One of the things we decided on years ago was that when we work for a client we would dive in and be an actual extension of their matter the size. We had seen how agnostic some could be about their work and and their clients and we wanted to be different. It's what drives our decisions.
How about you? Where are you in the belief system regarding your job? Your business? Your marketing and advertising? Do you push forward because you have a strong belief in what you create or...not so much?
It's something to think about.
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