Responsive Web Design - DWebware
June 08, 2013
Last week I got a call from my long time friend Andy Priestley regarding the new things going on at DWebware. For full disclosure, we've used the services of DWebware for as long as they have been in business. We've done this because they are a great local based business that never, ever, talks down to their clients. And they are honest and helpful.
So, when Andy says, "Come on over." I'll make a call. (Besides they always have the best candy sitting around.)
We sat down with Andy, Jordan and Jennifer and went through the Responsive Web Design tour which also incorporates heavy Social Media Interface.
Impressive and some huge take-a-ways:
- Call to Action - Are you using your website as a billboard or are you trying to sell a product/service? If you are in business to sell something include a call to action on your home page. Seems simple no?
- How Do You Look? - Can I use your website in mobile applications? Does it scale correctly? Does is the "flow" of your site seamless? Welcome to responsive web design.
- Social Media Interface - Sure you can encourage folks to "like" your page but do you allow visitors to share your blog with their tribe and is the placement of those sharing icons correct?
Besides the education we got to peek at their swanky new conference room and bold paint colors. Hey...ya gotta be pretty too!
We're been honored to have been with DWebware for the past ten plus years and hope to work with them more.
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