How to Recruit, Retain and Polish Your Brand
No, Not Your Grocery Store!

Wait! What?

"Free? Did he say, free? Nah, what's the hook?" Man Surprised

There isn't one. Over a year ago our ad agency, frustrated that the broadcast media in the Des Moines Metro ignored much of the business news being generated by small to mid-size businesses, decided to try something.

If no one was going to spend the time broadcasting the business news of the nation, region and the Des Moines Metro...well...we would step up and do it. So we kicked off Insight on Business the News Hour with the Des Moines Radio Group. We purchased the time, we own the hour. Each day, Monday - Friday from 5PM to 6PM on 1350-KRNT we talk about the business news of the day and provide business an opportunity to come to the station and talk about...their business.

It's "Non-Toxic Talk Radio" there isn't any "gotcha" moments. Our goal is to help drive the business of business.

We're able to do this because we've got some great partners as sponsors who believe in live, local broadcasting the engine that moves our Metro.

And, it doesn't stop there. We made the decision to put up a podcast of each business interview so that those businesses who come and share their story can extend their reach beyond the eight to twelve minutes we broadcast live. To date there have been close to 30,000 downloads of those business interviews. The cost? Free.

Then we take that interview, photos and video and share it with thousands of our friends on social media...for, you guessed

So how about your business? I'd invite you to give me a call directly and let's talk about the Business News Hour and having you set a date to My direct line is 515-331-3207.

Thanks for reading....

