Timing Is Everything...Almost
September 30, 2015
For those of you who follow our work you know that our advertising agency is the fuel that powers the only hour-long business news broadcast in the region, Insight on Business the News Hour. To that end we do a
weekly email newsletter using My Emma. That newsletter takes a peek our business interviews of the prior week and then lists our our studio guests for the upcoming week.
The open rate for the newsletter runs about 30% and the click-through rate (people clicking on various linked podcasts, urls, etc.) runs about 8%. As the industry goes we're pretty much ahead of the curve.
When we send it out on time.
The newsletter goes out each Monday morning just prior to 9AM. This past week we had some "issues" and did not get it out until the afternoon. The result was dramatic.
- The Open Rate dropped to 25%
- The Click-Through Rate dropped to 4.6%
Some other interesting aspects of newsletter metrics:
- Engagement - Those individuals whom we interview that have a strong social media presence receive the most clicks;
- Sharing - Social Media Natives will also share the content more quickly;
- Gender - Women tend to open more of the podcasts than men;
- Images Matter - When we post an image of a sponsor vs. their logo the image receives many more clicks.
We've been at this for over two years and the numbers are pretty consistent. We thought we'd share with you just in case you are considering some newsletter marketing.
Thanks for reading!