Why Not Both?
March 16, 2023
Recently I was visiting with a client who is considering a website. I know...it is 2023. It's a story...believe me. Anyway we were talking about how a website works, content and search engine optimization. For years these folks have had a weekly blog and he was asking why, if they have a blog out there, would they need a website.
The answer is pretty simple but often hard to understand for some folks.
I explained that a website could offer some history of the company, what the mission is, how to make contact with decision makers, offer a calendar of events, etc. He asked me, "So can't we just put that information in a blog then we would not need a website?" Trouble is, that a blog is...rotational. Yes, we could put that information in a blog but in a matter of weeks we would have to do it again because that particular blog would drop several issues down and many people are not going to scroll through several editions.
So, Why Not Do Both?
It's important that information on a website change from time to time otherwise The Google, or other search engines may not pick up the site because there is "nothing new". When you incorporate a blog on the front page of the site you are actually changing content and, for a host of reasons, that's important. In other words "static" can be bad for search engine optimization (SEO).
Of course there are additional SEO tricks and tools but if you are already doing a blog why not incorporate that on your site? Or, conversely, if you have a website why not add a regular blog? You don't have to do it weekly...maybe twice a month? Not only will it refresh your website but you are now giving voice to what you do.
So...why not do...both?
Thanks for reading!