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Adding Value That Lasts

Recently a non-profit client that we've worked with for nearly twenty years began asking their members for donations that would go Value toward various programs at their upcoming Conference and Trade Show. It's sort of a new thing for them. In discussing all of this with the staff we asked the question, "What value added opportunities are you offering the donors?"

We were told there would be signage, mention in their printed magazine, social media notices and, perhaps, even a "thank you note" sent to the member company. 

All good and proper but in our mind much of that is fleeting. (However, we do know that a written thank you is something many people hang on to...simply because it's such a lost art.)

Video singleOur next thought was, "What can we do that will really ad value to that companies brand? What can they use over and over again to boost their business and explain to others who and what they are?"

It's here that we suggested doing recorded interviews with the higher level donors and adding video to the interview. Then packaging all of this up and sending the video interviews to the company following the event. They, in turn, could use those on their website, in their social media or their video platform.  No additional cost but done in such a way that our "thank you" lasts and lasts.

We got the "go" and so looking forward to adding real value to these corporate donors.

Thanks for reading!