Little Things Make the Difference

I'm a big fan of fountain pens. Bought my first Montblanc (image) back in 1987 to celebrate a big job promotion. I remember going into a Ink by Pilot store some months prior to that and looking at them. The staff person asked me if I wanted to buy it.  I said, "No, not yet, I've not done enough to deserve it." She looked at me and said, "That much guilt? You must be either Jewish or Catholic." She guessed right.

Fast forward to this year when I gave my Bride a fountain pen created by Rob Beers of the Quill & Nib located in Valley Junction in West Des Moines, Iowa. I filled it with some standard black ink but she wanted a color and suggested green. So, back to see Rob and picked up a bottle of Iroshizuku (colored drops) ink. Pricy? A bit but the color was right and after I cleaned and filled her pen she commented on how smooth the writing was. What? The kind of ink makes a difference when it comes to the ease of writing? I had no idea that such a little thing would make such a huge difference.  So it was back to the Quill & Nib for a bottle of black ink. And, yes, it is amazing!

Rob Beers Jan 2019The story here isn't so much about ink but about the little things that can make a huge difference when it comes to performance. So the question to you might be: "What small changes can you make to your business that will pay huge dividends for you and your customer?" It's worth thinking about and then taking action. You never know until you try it.

One more thing. Several years ago I sat down and did an interview with Rob. It was a Small Business Spotlight for our program Insight on Business the News Hour. Years ago Rob was chided by his Mother suggesting that he get a "real job". A guy that marches to his own drummer, he decided to go into retail but in something very special. Rob liked custom and high end pens. Have a listen to that 2019 conversation below. While the Quill & Nib is a great store he doesn't have a website or do social media. You want to connect you'll have to call him at 515-223-6299. This way you can also support local.

Thanks for reading and Happy Holidays! 

Adding Value That Lasts

Recently a non-profit client that we've worked with for nearly twenty years began asking their members for donations that would go Value toward various programs at their upcoming Conference and Trade Show. It's sort of a new thing for them. In discussing all of this with the staff we asked the question, "What value added opportunities are you offering the donors?"

We were told there would be signage, mention in their printed magazine, social media notices and, perhaps, even a "thank you note" sent to the member company. 

All good and proper but in our mind much of that is fleeting. (However, we do know that a written thank you is something many people hang on to...simply because it's such a lost art.)

Video singleOur next thought was, "What can we do that will really ad value to that companies brand? What can they use over and over again to boost their business and explain to others who and what they are?"

It's here that we suggested doing recorded interviews with the higher level donors and adding video to the interview. Then packaging all of this up and sending the video interviews to the company following the event. They, in turn, could use those on their website, in their social media or their video platform.  No additional cost but done in such a way that our "thank you" lasts and lasts.

We got the "go" and so looking forward to adding real value to these corporate donors.

Thanks for reading! 



Know Your USP?

For decades we’ve told our clients about the importance of staying on message. And, it’s one of the most difficult strategies to employ. So many times we see advertisers go off message because they pick up a hot new topic. While that’s not a bad idea if it collides with your USP you’ll end up confusing consumers.

So, what is a USP?  It’s your Unique Selling Proposition. In other words, what is it that your company does better than anybody else?  To be sure, this takes some real thought and that takes time.  Let me give you several examples of very successful USP ideal.

Kreamer Law USPSam Kreamer
is not only an attorney but also a CPA. His USP is this: “We get things done!” It seems that in his line of work many attorneys’ take so much time doing their job that often clients complain. He thought so much of his USP that it is also trademarked. (You can click on the image to enlarge.)

Von Maur is a regional high end department store that traces its beginnings back to 1872 and in 1928 became Peterson, Harned & Von Maur. Today, 37 Von Maur stores are scattered across 15 states: Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma and Wisconsin; and still expanding.   For Von Maur USP decades their USP has been, “Our only interest is you.” The firm does not charge an interest fee on their credit cards and when you visit the store the staff makes you feel like their only interest is in serving…you. Brilliant.

So, what is it that you do better than anybody else in your field and can you distill that activity into just a few words?  Do that and the rest of your marketing/advertising will be easy.

Effective Communication Tools for NIACC I indicated in the video below I was to have presented a business class this past Monday on Zoom. For some reason students were unable to connect and I really feel bad about that.  So....check out the audio portion below the video to hear about my thoughts regarding Effective Communication for business and your personal life. My thanks to Rowena Crosbie and Deborah Rinner for their insightful book, "Your Invisible Toolbox - The Technological Ups and Interpersonal Downs of the Millennial Generation". I use this fantastic book all the time and highly recommend it to you. What is really neat is that while over 100 topics are discussed none are longer than two and a half pages.


The audio portion of my presentation on Effective Communication is below.  All you have to do is click to listen.

NIACC Effective Communication August 2021

Thanks again and I truly hope we've got the Tech Bugs behind us.  Hope to visit with you each Monday at Noon through the North Iowa Area Community College. The link to the program is here.

You can reach me a number of ways: [email protected] or [email protected] or my direct line is 515-331-3207.

Take care!

Voice Work - Keeping it in the Family

Over the years we've been doing Insight on Business the News Hour I've been able to work with some very talented people. Voice work Hunter Voice Work Dec 2020 from Jimmy Olson, Tyler Hackenmiller and Mariah Lewis all from the Des Moines Radio Group. There's Jane E. Morgan from my old station 94.5 KKEZ in Fort Dodge, Iowa and Mike Fellers/Stu Stevens another local Des Moines, Iowa independent. All great folks and still call on them from time to time.

Several years ago I needed some voice work done...FAST but everybody was booked or maybe I was just too anxious. 

That got me to thinking about our daughter Hunter Pease who has always delighted friends and family with her many comic voices. You've got to see it to really appreciate her talent. Anyway she was close and had the time so I asked her if she would read some liners. Bam! She did a really good job for never having done anything like this...and she became "The Voice of Insight on Business the News Hour".  And, yes, we pay she is a professional.  Here's some of her latest work that we turned out just this week.

Hunter Focus and Find Sample

Pretty good for never having any formal training.  I think we'll keep her.

Thanks for reading and letting me brag just a bit.  And, if you want more of what we do you can subscribe to the newscast that comes with long-form business interviews by doing a Google search for Insight on Business the News Hour and picking your favorite podcast platform. Or, I can make it easy and have you head to Podbean to subscribe.

Thanks for reading!

The Apostles with Peter Children

Over the years we've met and done business with many entrepreneurs to established businesses. One that stands out is a guy we've known Peter Children May 2017 for well over a decade. Peter Children is in his mid 80's and works his business, Universal Products, each day.  And, what is that?  Peter has been, for generations, providing other companies with beautiful artwork and promotional items. Now, we're not talking about ice scrapers, although I bet he's done that in the past, but real works of collectable art.  One that stands out is this coin collection that features the Twelve Apostles. Check this brief video....

Told you.  

Peter is somebody that we visit with several times a week and he not only has The Apostles coin set but he also has beautiful Swarovski Jewelry that so many companies, that are attempting to incentivise their customers, give away with a purchase. But, that is for another post.

If you are at all interested in learning more about this great entrepreneur and what he might be able to do for you and your business though some beautiful incentives you can reach Peter, by phone, at 641-423-0184. Nope, he doesn't have a website (something we've begged him to do) but he will call you back.  Thank you Peter for being such an inspiration for so many of us.

Business News & More 2 September 2020

We've been busy grinding it out much going on that this is the "Late Edition" of the business news...we usually try to get this Business News Image out before 5PM Central.  Here's what's on tap for today:

  • Google and their new planned community;
  • More airline job cuts;
  • Remember when politicians were afraid of the deficit;
  • More companies embrace "working from home";
  • Eviction due to COVID19? Not so fast...
  • The Wall Street Report
  • Is smaller...bigger?  Ask Macy's.

Those stories plus a really neat conversation with Rachel Trainum of Tero International. Not long ago Rachel was a summer intern at the company. Today she not only oversees the corporate marketing and communications but this year was in charge of the new crop of interns who, according to Rachel, did some amazing things. 

Thanks for listening! 

"Podcast? What?"

My bet is that just five years ago that would have been the response of many who had never heard of a "podcast". Today it's so much different. Today, according to a recent survey of 16 to 64 year old internet users, 39% consume podcasts each month. Here is that data.

That's a big number and it continues to grow. The reason? Convenience. Online Content Use July 2019

And, that is why more and more radio stations are starting podcasts. You read that correctly. radio stations starting to do podcasts.

It's all about the time crunch that faces everybody. No longer do you have to sit and wait for the news or information. You can subscribe to a podcast and get it delivered to your inbox on your time. And if the host is knowledgeable and engaging so much the better.

One other quick fact. We're seeing more dollars being spent advertising on podcasts. Back in the day when FM radio started I remember sales people having to carry a small portable radio to clients so they could prove to them that FM radio existed. No, really! Today it's podcasting. People who are not informed about the power of podcasting are having to learn a whole new way of advertising their products/services.

On a podcast the traditional thirty-second "ad" doesn't work like it does on radio or TV. Listeners want what they want and don't wish to wait through several minutes of commercials. So the savey podcaster knows that embedding the message into the stream makes more sense.

IOB LOGO BWOne other thing about podcasting is quality. The quality of the audio is critical to a successful podcast. If the podcaster puts out lousy
audio that distracts from the content all is lost. It's one of the reasons professional audio and those who are experienced in audio seem to have better response to their efforts.

We've been in the podcast space for over 10 years starting with something that was way ahead of it's time at WebcastOne Live to our current business news podcast, "Insight on Business the News Hour". Sure it's about business and it's not as sexy as a murder mystery or a political rant...but's it's effective and it seems to deliver content that is appreciated while also garnering financial support.'s here to stay.

Thanks for reading. 


Twitter for Business - It's Frustrating

This summer marks the 10th year our agency has been doing Insight on Business the News Hour a daily business newscast which first Ben McDougal MPL Feb 8 2011 appeared on the web, moved to terrestrial radio and now is a combination of both radio and podcast. (Photo from 2011 with a younger Ben McDougal from our studios at Webcast One.)

During that time I've interviewed thousands of business people about the who, what, where and why of their business. Each long-form interview is then placed on our Radio Blog and shared across several social media channels multiple times over the course of several weeks or months...depending on the story.  We also send out the interview link along with a one-page "How To" so our guest can then share their story on their own social media channels.

In other words, we have a long and proficient history when it comes to social media, especially Twitter.

I tell you that because, over the years, I have searched for and found hundreds of Twitter Profiles connected to the businesses we've featured. We do that so we can link our story to their feed and help them get more traction.  

Man ConfusedHowever, more often than not, those business Twitter feeds have been abandoned or, worse, so sparsely cared for that I see one or two Tweets a month...if that. And, what is even more incredible is that even if our guest has a fairly active Twitter stream they may fail to retweet their own story and the content we have freely created for them.

Often I'll reconnect with a business we've profiled and ask the question, "I see that while we've shared your story a dozen times on Twitter over the past two weeks and tagged you. Yet, your Twitter stream has never carried your content. Can you tell me why?"


They don't know. Or worse yet I get, "Gosh, I'll have to ask our social media specialist about that..."

In other words they simply don't understand the power of Twitter. They may have relegated it to an outside source or have an internal person who simply doesn't understand how the platform works. Finally, I believe, they think..."Hey, it's free. How valuable can that be?"

It's frustrating.

Business has, in front of them, their own media company that, if they work it, can pay huge dividends in the form of referrals and sales and building a positive brand.

It's time to re-tool your thinking. Let's start with this piece, "Giving Up On Twitter" from 2015. 

More to come....








Some Hiring Help

Last week on The Business News Hour we had a story about jobs. The Labor Department says there are now 1.5 million more open jobs Hiring Use then there are unemployed people. To put that in context let's say there are 6 million unemployed people in the U.S. yet there are 7.5 million open jobs.

Our business is based in the Des Moines, Iowa Metro where the current unemployment rate is hovering around 2.3%. I am told, by the folks at the Greater Des Moines Partnership, there are 17,000 open jobs in the Metro. Again, just not enough people...

Everywhere you look you see "Help Wanted" signs. HyVee, a chain of over 237 grocery stores in the Midwest, went out and bought flags to plant in their parking lot to announce the obvious. Over the past two years I've watched as B'Bops, a locally owned hamburger chain, has changed their help wanted sign to promote higher wages. Two years ago the sign said $8.00 an hour. Today the sign reads $10 an hour.

Last month there was a high-powered forum where experts weighed in on the employment troubles and offered up some suggestions regarding not only recruitment but also retention.

One of the things that is missing from the discussion is something called "passive recruitment". That's where you use media to target not only your "help wanted" message but also, at the same time, polish your brand. You can use a host of mediums radio, podcasting sponsorships, podcasting, video and social media to do the same thing. 

What is cool about passive recruiting is that word spreads. You may not hit the person who is actively looking for a job but your message may be heard or seen by a family member who then says, "Hey, did you see/hear that Weasels is looking for workers. Sounds/Looks like a great place to work."

Here's a sample, click to listen.

Recruitment Audio June 2019

It's really that easy but, does it work?  I have a friend who works in this field and he has been successful for years. The key is to let people know how really great your business is and then pitch the idea of working there.

Building your brand while building your bench is simply a good stratigity.