Join Me at EntreFEST!

It will be really special! People from all over the country will be converging on Cedar Rapids, Iowa for EntreFEST June 10 - 11. Why? Great MPL ENTREFest image 2021 question.  People will be coming to learn and earn for their startup dream or their current entrepreneurial business. On hand will be a host of speakers on topics from finance to marketing to wellness, diversity, name it. If it has to do with business you'll find something here that clicks.

This will be my first time at EntreFEST and I'll be speaking on Podcasting for Business. I'll cover topics from why podcasting rocks to equipment, sales, promotion and more. Plus, for those who want some "one-on-one" time I'll be available for questions and offer some coaching tips.  So why me on podcasting? We've been doing the daily Insight on Business in podcast form and on the radio for a dozen years.

In addition, because we do this every day.  I'll be there to record some "evergreen" business interviews that we'll use over the next several weeks.  Hey, you get to be part of our "studio audience" as well. 

Here is your link to purchase tickets for EntreFEST 2021 and BONUS...if you use the promo-code LIBBIE you'll get 20% off the price.  Also, if you're not keen on making the trip you can join the event virtually as well.  So, no excuse for anybody anywhere on the planet to miss this great event.

See you in June!

Public Speaking - Ramping Up 2019

If you don't mind a few moments of shameless self-promotion.... MWSB August 2014 Two WEB

2019 marks the tenth year that I've been in the world of professional speaking. While it's true that I've been teaching a number of subjects for 30+ years, it was a decade ago that I made the decision to offer my services to those businesses and associations that were seeking high quality, engaging information on a variety of topics.

So, what is it, besides clarity and motivation, that I can bring to your group? Here are several topics:

"Five in 24 - Five Things Any Business Can Do in 24 Hours or Less That Can Remanufacture your Brand and Allow you to Sell more Stuff" - While this is the most requested topic the content has changed as marketing has changed. Fast paced and full of fun facts and ideas for any business.

"Social Media Is...Not Free" - We all know what social media "is" but how to best leverage the various platforms to successfully impact consumers is the critical topic of discussion. And, just because it's "free" does not mean it really is.

"Media & Media Relations" - Gaining positive press, when you want it, is a science as well as an art. Far too often businesses spend valuable time and money writing news releases that get ignored. In this presentation I share the science behind pitching your business story and how to capture the attention of the targeted reporter. Business messages that can not be ignored. 

"Effective Communication Tools" - As a trained newscaster and journalist I have conducted thousands of interviews. To be effective in that craft you must be a master at using effective communication tools. Learn the tools of effective communication that can assist you in reaching your desired outcome.

One other thing: I not only show up for the presentation/seminar I'll also help you market the event through social media and a video geared to build participation at your event. And, each presentation is customized for the participants.

Thanks for reading...and let's connect.


LeadN15 - Leadership Lessons in Fifteen Minutes

Given our short attention estimated to be roughly 6 seconds...LeadN15 ("Lead in Fifteen") where presenters are given fifteen LeadN15 LOGO minutes to bring their "A Game" to an audience might be...a little too long. But, given the line up that Tom Henrickson has put together this event may just hold the attendees attention.

On stage this week to present include:

  • Dr. Tony Paustian on "The Word that Changed My View of Everything
  • Sonya Heitshusen and Matt Zepeda: "It's the Process"
  • Kimberly Baeth: "Tips on Growing a Successful Business"
  • Liz Nead: "Active Leadership - The Climb of My Life";
  • Sarah Noll Wilson: "Deception of Distrust";
  • Desmund Adams: "Socially Responsible Senior Leadership";
  • Michael Libbie: (How did HE get in?) "You Don't Know What You Don't Know";
  • Adam Carroll: "Building a Community".

The event takes place on Thursday the 19th of April starting at 8:00 am at the Windsor Heights Community Center, 6900 School Street in Windsor Heights, Iowa.

There are still tickets available and here is the place to go to register

Considering the quality of the speakers (well, with the exception of one glaring problem) this promises to be an exceptional event. Looking forward to seeing you at LeadN15!





Future Entrepreneurs - Simpson Collage

This week I was honored to be asked to judge the Simpson College 2016 Iron Journalist Pitch. I Simpson Iron Journalist 2016 was joined by Heather Hassebroek (Bublins) and Kaylee Williams (Volunteer Local). We were there to listen to business startup ideas created by four journalism students, Brock Borgenson (top left), Brittany Robb (top right), James Tillison (bottom left) and Kylee Hereid (bottom right).  The judges were encouraged to offer tips and ask questions of each contestant.

I know, "What? Journalism Students pitching for-profit business ideas?!?" That had me too so I was truly intrigued as to why Professor and Chair of Multimedia  Brian Steffen would mix "The Fourth Estate" with business creation. He said, "Journalism is rapidly changing and I want my students to think as entrepreneurs and to learn how to craft messages that will match consumer interest. Many of these students may find success in creating content that is not part of major news organizations but content consumed by people interested in specific niche areas." Good enough for me....

Here is a brief overview of each pitch:

  • Brock Borgenson - I'm not in his target market of but found his idea of marketing the sport of "Gaming" interesting. His idea was to create a portal where people, and there are millions, can come and learn more about professional and amateur "Gamers" through video, written tips, a magazine and walk-through events.  
  • Kylee Hereid - Her pitch was about weddings and creating a place where brides and grooms, in Iowa, could go to find and connect with everything from clothing to cakes. I loved the idea of keeping it "local" to Iowa and thereby helping folks in rural parts of the state get connected with goods and services. She would also, in the future, franchise to other states. This edition was I Do - Iowa. Nice. 
  • Brittany Robb - This was an interesting twist covering virtual reality news. In fact the site is called VRNews. The goal was to share VR technology news with others from business to research schools. She says, and I have to agree, this technology will be the next "hot thing".
  • James Tillison - This pitch became personal. James received his Eagle Scout at the age of 15. His pitch was hyper-local to the Mid-Iowa Council of The Boy Scouts of America. He envisioned a platform that would instruct, encourage and expand the knowledge of the 2,000+ Boy Scouts in Central Iowa. As he was presenting my mind floated back to my Boy Scout days and the impact those had on my life.   

We asked questions, tallied up the score and in the end the winner of the 2016 Simpson College Iron Journalist Challenge was Brock Borgeson of Naperville, Illinois.

Good stuff and thank you again for asking me to be part of the adventure. It was worth every minute. 


Six Hours and Swag

On Friday I spent six hours with 125 others during an American Marketing Association - Iowa seminar on brand engagement and, all I got AMA Iowa Swag was a bag of...swag.


Look, I do marketing and advertising for a living.  It's my craft to engage, for and with our clients, consumers in the key demographics they wish to reach. So could I learn something from a bunch of thirty-somethings? (Well, then there was Mike Wagner...) Sure!  I love learning how others share their messages, build their brands and engage consumers. Perhaps I'll learn something new. Maybe pick up some new tips or confirm what we're doing for our clients is spot on.

And it was "Yes" to all three areas.  Some key take-a-way items:

  • Brand Engagement Requires Thought - It's not enough to simply post something and hope it will stick. You've got to know who your target demographic is and speak to their passion/interests;
  • Rifles Are Better Than Shotguns - Sure you can scatter your message on whatever media you like but that may not be where your demographic is hanging out. Just because you like the 10PM News doesn't mean that is where your consumer is.  Besides, shotgun marketing is very expensive;
  • Branding Is Everything - Here we go again...branding is not your logo. Branding is everything from how you answer the phone, the outgoing voice mail message you do daily (you do that...right?), the way in which you respond to email, how employees conduct their social media presence, how counter people engage the customer....and on and on and on;
  • Social Media Ain't Free - I do an entire seminar on this for businesses and the bottom line is it;
  • Skinny Budgets Require Collaboration - How can non-profits build a solid brand by engaging others?  Ask Steven King from the Des Moines Arts Festival;
  • Don't Forget Volunteers - The NASCAR Iowa Speedway has 17 employees but hundreds of volunteers who share a passion for racing. Make sure you train your brand warriors in customer centric engagement methods be they paid or volunteers.

So, you get the point right?  Even "old dogs" can learn.  Oh...and get some cool swag!  Thanks for the opportunity!


Social Media Strategist?

If you were to "Google" the words "Social Media Strategist" you would Wizardfind an endless stream of people selling their knowledge about this new media.  LinkedIn offers this definition:  "Social media strategists are marketing professionals who specialize in the research, planning, development and (often) implementation of a business' social media program. Companies need to understand that social media is not a single campaign. They must "socialize" in the arenas where they create a presence."

I agree and it is that final sentence that you and your business needs to understand. 

Over the past few years we've run into dozens of "social media strategists" or at least they bill themselves as such.  Not long ago we asked on our agency Facebook Page and on Twitter for a recommendation or two so we might visit with them to learn exactly what

The response was underwhelming.

So here are a couple of tips when and if your business goes out seeking a "social media strategist" to help your marketing efforts:

  • Investigate - It's pretty easy to find out who is and who is simply posing.  Check their social media feeds and see exactly how active they are.  What kind of content do they deliver and are they the right fit for your business;
  • Understand Marketing - Look again at the definition. " media is not a single campaign."  In other words it will not replace all existing marketing efforts. Anybody who suggests it them the door;
  • One Trick Pony - If the person who is pitching you understands only Facebook or only uses Twitter and isn't able to talk the many other forms of social media...beware;
  • Coach or Take Over - Some in the field offer "coaching".  They realize the best social media program comes from people deeply involved with the product or service.  We tend to favor that method rather than simply being the "voice" long term. 
  • A Good Fit - Whomever you choose to help needs to have an understanding of your business and your market.  On the job training of your social media strategist takes time...and money.

Not every person involved in social media is a "strategist".  While anybody can throw together a few Tweets, a Facebook Post or a Blog...not everybody understands how to plan and make  Good luck out there and be careful.




If you would like to leave a comment here, feel free.  Or let's connect on our Twitter Stream @InsightADV or our advertising agency Facebook Page is right here.  Thanks for reading!  

Social Media for Agriculture - For Less than 2 bu.

What to do following several days at the Agricultural Media Summit in 140-Characters-Conference-logo- New Mexico?  Head back to Iowa and visit with farmers at the AgIowa 140 Character Conference this Friday.

Look, there may be only 2.2 million farms and 4.4 million farmers but they, just like you in your business, count on information to guide them.  This Friday seventeen of the states best social media folk will gather for a grower specific event at the Scheman Building on the Iowa State University Campus to talk about using Twitter to gather and share news and information.

The AgIowa 140 Character Conference kicks off at 2PM and each presenter has ten minutes to share his/her advice on the how, when, why of Twitter for Agri-Business.  The cost?  Less than two bushels of corn.

Join us for a great event.  To see the list of farmers and agri-business professionals who are coming to share just head to our AgIowa - 140 Character Conference page and....sign up dang it!




If you would like to connect here with a comment, feel free.  OR..head to our Twitter Stream @InsightADV.  See you in Ames, Iowa!

So, What I Learned

This week Des Moines played host to the second 140 Character Conference or The State of Now - Iowa.  Last year I attended toMPL Jeff April 2012 present and then stuck around for a couple of hours. This year I decided to make a day of it.  From 8:30AM to the final act at 5:30 I mingled with people who work in various "silos" calling out to consumers, constituents, friends and customers using Twitter and a host of other social media tools.  So, what did I learn? (Photo: Jeff Pulver founder of the 140 Character Conference.  We're thinking.)

It's OK

It's OK to have a voice and to share your thoughts and objectives with 140 characters.  What YOU have to say may seem "silly" or "stupid" to somebody...but to another person it matters.  If you're not in the game, you'll never know.

It Connects

We've used Twitter for years and connected with some amazing people.  Some whom we've never met but continue our on-line relationship.  Recently we've held parties where we invite folks we've not met in person but communicate with on Twitter.  Fastinating.

It Educates

Yesterday I met four of the most passionate teachers on the planet.  Teachers who have opened up the minds of young people by engaging and encouraging them to use social media to break out of the 1950's and enter the world Example:  "What adult reads a book and then writes a report?  I asked my students to read a selected book and then blog about some aspect that touched them.  The results were original, thoughtful posts that touched thousands."

It Drives Business

Number one reason business rejects social media?  "I don't have time."  Really?  You don't have time to connect with your customers, to learn more about them and why they like (or sometimes dislike) your product or service?  So, you go about doing the same dumb-ass stuff you did a year ago and wonder why it's not working...  Social Media drives business and motivates consumers to become loyal friends.  Does your business have a "chief listener"?

It's Work

Often business thinks there is little value in social media because many times the raw cost to "do it"  So because it's "free" business sidelines the effort.  Or, they find out that "free" really isn't free because social media takes...effort.  It takes work to think.  It takes work to write.  It takes work to engage.  And, it takes some balls.  Don't let that hold you back.

Bottom line:  Social media, done right, with a plan, with purpose and an understanding of the basic "how to" can have a huge positive impact on your business and your interaction with other...humans.  Because real people, at real keyboards are creating real...content.

What did Jeff Pulver @JeffPulver and Deb Brown @DebWorks learn from the days activities?





If you want to connect, you can reply here or follow me on our advertising agency Twitter account: @InsightADV or our ad agency Facebook Page or my personal Twitter Account: @MichaelLibbie  Thanks for reading...and connecting.

Steve Farber - Leaping to Help

The business of business hinges on so many things; willing consumers, a solid brand, selling something folks really want/need and...leadership to pull everything together.  That's where my friend Steve Farber comes in.

Steve made contact with me this weekend to help get the word out about his new project: The Radical Leap - Re-Energized: Doing What You Love in the Service of People Who Love What You Do.  (I gotta talk to him about long book titles)  No sense in me talking about how he marries his project with education and teachers when he can do it himself.  Steve....


Thought you might like that.  Steve nails it when he talks about the education system, teachers and how, positive change can start right now in classrooms without having to wait for the gears to grind.  Looking forward to sharing this with my friends who wrestle with education issues...daily.

If you want to leave a comment here, feel free or we can connect on Twitter @InsightADV or here is our advertising agency Facebook Page.  Thanks for coming by! - Michael



I'm going to step out on a limb see I'm not a teacher (to borrow a Holiday Inn Express line) but I know some and had children inChildren Classroom 1 public schools.  That being said, I am concerned with the recent data released this week from the National Assessment Governing Board and reported in the Des Moines Register.

In a nutshell the report tells us that Iowa students, who twenty years ago ranked in the top national percentages in reading and math, have slipped to the "middle of the pack".  And, it's across the board, white kids, minority kids, rural, urban...  That's troubling and it should concern you.

I don't have an answer as to "what to do".  I'll leave that up to Jason Glass the Iowa Education Director.  However, as a "life long learner" who is fascinated with consumer trends let me offer up some marketing advice to all sides:

  • It Isn't Political - There are some folks who will latch on to this information and run to their partisan corner of the world pointing fingers at the other corner.  Stop it.  Consumers, the public, are sick and tired of that behavior.
  • Consumers Want Action - It doesn't matter if you're talking about telephone service or education.  Consumers do not understand how it is that hundreds of administrators, often without field experience, can tell the grunts how and what to do.  It ends in non-action and that is frustrating.
  • Be Simple - If you can explain "education reform" in thirty-seconds do this:  Film the answer and get it in front of as many people as possible.  We want answers.
  • Be Honest - Education doesn't have to be "fun" has to be "interesting" but if children spend six hours in an interesting classroom and go home to an "emotional wreck" with stressed a stressed out parent(s) it doesn't work.  There is a direct tie between economics and education.
  • Old Isn't Better, It's Different - It's not time to say, "When I was a kid..." it is time to look at how we use technology in the classroom and in the home.  When the folks that are writing the lesson plans don't understand how technology can it work for students?
  • Parents - When will somebody start a media campaign that looks into the camera and asks how much time you, as a parent, work with your kids...learning?  This isn't all the responsibility of "somebody else".  Seriously...if companies can spend millions selling a new beer to consumers can't we find a way to sell the idea of responsibility to parents?

I'm just a marketer, a guy who creates desire among consumers.  Maybe its' time to create a desire for learning.  More rules, more tests and more politics don't seem to work well...  Sorry for the just bothers me.

If you want to leave a comment here, feel free.  Or we can connect on Twitter @MichaelLibbie (personal) or @InsightADV (business) and here's is our ad agency Facebook Page.
