Riffing on Hyper-Local Events

Every Friday, for years, we change up our business newscast and riff with Jeff Pitts the managing editor of Cityview Magazine about "Stuff Jeff Pitts March 2017 the DO" in the Greater Des Moines Metro. Six days a week we do the serious business news and long-form interviews but on Friday it's all fun.  We were asked the other day why we don't do more local business news stories and the answer is because our podcast is...well...global. The other day I posted up a business interview and within thirty seconds it had been opened in Germany and in Finland. Sure the United States and Canada are our biggest areas but it is interesting how connected we all are, on a global level. (Yep, that's Jeff...in 2017 yet!)

Years ago, when we were on local radio, our focus had to be on local business news. I remember reaching out to the Des Moines Register and the Business Record and asking them if they wanted to join up and do a daily business news hour. We would use some of their stories and their talent to report. Both newspapers turned us down. I guess they didn't see the value or, perhaps, thought it would be some sort of competition. So we did it ourselves...still do.  Anyway, and just for fun, here's Jeff and I riffing on those "Hyper-Local" things. Enjoy we'll get back to the serious stuff on Sunday.

Thanks for listening!

The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is the only weekday business news podcast in the Midwest. The national, regional and some local business news along with long-form business interviews can be heard Monday - Friday. You can subscribe on Google PlayPlayerFMPodbeaniTunesSpotifyStitcher or TuneIn Radio. And you can catch The Business News Hour Week in Review each Sunday Noon on News/Talk 1540 KXEL. The Business News Hour is a production of Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications. You can follow us on Twitter @IoB_NewsHour.


Five in 24 - Five Things to Re-Brand & Sell More Stuff

For several years I've offered up a seminar on "Five in 24 - Five Things Any Business Can Do in Twenty-four Hours to Re-Brand and 5in24_LogoSell More Stuff".  It's been the most requested piece I do. Has it changed? You bet! Each time I go out, as I just did with the New York Press Association Annual Meeting, I refine it to match the needs of the audience I'm speaking to.

And, that is one of the Five Tips that is included in "Five in 24"

Know Your Consumer

It doesn't matter if you are selling a product or a service the basic metric of success is knowing your customer base. That's why, before I head out to do a presentation I adjust the guts of the seminar to match the needs of the people I'm speaking to.  For example the publishers and editors of the New York Press Association are struggling with new ways to connect to their readers outside of the printed product. 

To be sure the community based newspapers that are represented by the NYPA are doing pretty well. They are not daily papers but hyper-local papers that laser focus on their town, city, community. That they've got. But, what other things might they use to connect with their target audience?


Mobile Studio in Mobile 2019One of the new additions to "Five in 24" is Podcasting. I've been in that space for over ten years, long before it was considered cool and when it seemed like you were "talking to yourself". But today it's a thriving media option for busy people who may not have time to sit down and read. Want to check us out? Here is the Radio Blog for Insight on Business the News Hour

And so, I tailored my presentation to reflect that reality. Was it well received? Yes...and while the reviews are not in I'm confident that I was able to peel back the onion a bit and introduce them to the power of podcasting.  

The bottom line is you must know who your target customer is, where they hang out, how they buy what they buy. Once you've got that down all you need to do is create a story to move from "customer" to a lasting relationship.

Thanks for reading! 

How About A Little Help

Got a marketing/advertising question?  Man Questions

Our business is marketing and advertising and has been for years. Our goal is, and always has been, finding ways to help our clients sell more...stuff.  To be able to do that consumers need to know your business exists.

Not long ago we went out to area businesses and asked them to ask us a marketing question.  We filmed the question and then offered a possible solution.  Here is the first in a series from our friends at 515 Brewing based in Clive, Iowa:


This may not work for your business but we've seen it work for many new or re-emerging businesses that want their neighbors as customers.  Thanks for reading and for watching!



WOW...Stunning and Thank You!

Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie celebrates nine IOB_RGB web 1 weeks of broadcasting on 1350-KRNT. Nine weeks ago we began doing what nobody else in the Des Moines Metro thought was important...giving voice to business with an hour-long, local and live broadcast that features the business stories of the day, economic development items and interviews with news-makers, business people, start-ups and more.  The response has been wonderful and we are grateful.

And, because we know you can't always listen on "our time" (5PM to 6PM) we've created a podcast page where you can download the broadcast interviews from your desktop to your mobile device.

And, here is the link to the Mobile site.  During these nine weeks over 13,000 of you have come by to download a broadcast.  Thank you!

Yes, we stripped out the news portions so you can enjoy the insight of our wide and varied guests.  For example, just this week we've hosted:

Greg Edwards - Greater Des Moines Convention & Visitors Bureau;

Tom Swartwood - From Drake University on start-ups and entrepreneurs;

John Hale - From the Hale Group on direct care givers in Iowa;

Steve Wilkie-Shapiro - About the economic impact of rehabbing buildings;

Gordon Fischer - From the Greater Des Moines Community Foundation;

Chuck Kuba - From Iowa Diamond with an entertaining interview;

Ralph Rosenberg - From the Iowa Environmental Council about water;

Brent Isenberger - Small business owner and business photographer.

And today (Friday, November 1) we'll be visiting with Steve Mathews from the Radio Garage adn Chaden Halfhill from Silent Rivers.

As you can see, we burn through plenty of people each week.  If you've got a story for us or know of a unique business let us know.  Our news email is [email protected] And, thank you for listening!

Insight on Business the News Hour is made possible through the support of Mr. B Clothing of Clive, The Fireplace SuperStore of Urbandale, The Warren County Economic Development Corporation of Indianola, The Kreamer Law firm of West Des Moines, ReMax Real Estate Concepts of Des Moines, Westside Auto Pros of Clive,  West Bank of Des Moines, Merit Resources of Des Moines, the Iowa Computer Club of Des Moines and The Rick Davis Team of Des Moines.

If you want to follow us on Twitter it's @IoB_NewsHour before, during and after the broadcast and here is our Facebook Page for the photos, videos and back-story of the News Hour.

Insight on Business the News Hour - What You Doing?

Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is our Monday - Friday broadcast about economic development, business news and  KRNT Photo interviews with news-makers. We're live at 5PM just after the CBS News on 1350-KRNT, Des Moines, Iowa. Connecting with us is easy, on Twitter it's @IoB_NewsHour and we monitor that stream before during and after the broadcast.  If you use Facebook and want to connect to see some of the "back-story" from photos to videos just click right here.

Today, along with the news, Wall Street Journal Report, Stocks of Local Interest and the Report from Agriculture we're packing in several "rapid-fire" guests with their stories.

In the first half hour we welcome Jason White from the Warren County Economic Development Corporation.  We're going to talk about the ground breaking that went on today as Warren County welcomed the expansion of C&L Industries. 

Also in the first half hour we've got Gunner Olson from Des Moines Area Rapid Transit (DART).  It's been several months since DART moved into the new transit building and rearranged some routes.  We'll check on the progress and ask how business is going.

Then a conversation with our friend Alexander Grgurich who is TEDxDM.  They recently had a successful event and are planning some new items in the near future.  Alexander and...TEDx.

We'll also visit with Rick Davis about how to finance the "big dream".

Those stories, the news and more today at 5PM on 1350-KRNT, Des Moines.

We're Days Away...

In just a few days we will launch Insight on Business - The News Hour on 1350-KRNT in Des Moines, Iowa.  It's been a long process and we're KRNT Photo glad the Des Moines Radio Group and Saga Communications have embraced the idea of a local, live news program about metro area businesses.

Over the years we've found that broadcast radio and television have limited time and talent to cover the business stories that are outside of "big company news".  In other words if you are not Wellmark, Wells Fargo or AVIVA the chances that somebody in broadcast media will pick up your story is...zero.  It's not their fault...it's just not in their wheel-house.

However, it is in ours.  Each day Monday - Friday between 5 and 6PM Central we'll talk about the business news of the Metro.  Interview the business newsmakers, tell the stories about emerging businesses and share our insight into local stocks.  All live and all local.

We've been asked what we'll do with our Web TV program of the same name which airs live each Monday morning at 9AM on Webcast One Live.  We're going to stay there as well.  While 1350-KRNT is local, Webcast One Live is national and global.  Our program there deals with advertising and marketing news and business tips.

Two different audiences...two different news outlets.

Thanks for your support and we look forward to the Monday launch!


The Facebook Page for Insight on Business - The News Hour is right here and our Twitter Stream is @IoB_NewsHour and the place for press items is [email protected]

The Power of Local

Small BusinessIt is a trend that has been sweeping the nation for well over three years and it is being driven by small business people who get it.

We're talking about the consumer demand regarding local products and services and those small business owners who have recognized the trend and now incorporate "local" into their advertising and marketing efforts..


Here are some quick examples:

  • Food - Once relegated to road-side stands small farmers are bringing their produce and farm-made products to thousands of farmers markets that have sprung up all across the nation.  In addition large grocery store chains now direct shoppers to locally grown products and consumers don't mind paying a premium for food...when they know where it comes from;
  • Local TV and Appliance Dealers - These folks have found a way to battle Big Box by delivering exceptional service and sharing with consumers the importance of keeping dollars in the local community;
  • Recreational Sporting Goods - Sure if you want a cheap bicycle you can go to Walmart but if you want something that lasts and somebody who knows what they are doing...you stay local.  Even some big box stores understand this. Sheels Sporting Goods started running national ads that feature "local knowledge by local people".  It's not by accident;
  • Banks & Financial - Credit Unions have started chipping away at the "big banks" all across the country.  Family owned small banks continue to market the fact that people, not computers, make decisions on loans;
  • Health Care - You think it is "by accident" that we're seeing more "health care systems" ditch the clinical aspect of care and now focusing on the individual?  Nope...

The direction your local business needs to take is celebrate local.  Include the message in your marketing plans.  Make sure your service performance is exceptional.  Build "brand warriors" out of your local customers.  Encourage customers to share their experience on social media channels.  Deliver solid local success stories as often as possible.  Engage with your local business community. Use video to bring the local experience to life. Be a "go to person" on the benefits of local for your area media. 

Two other important things to consider...

Do NOT abdicate your local marketing efforts to the Chamber, while they are your friends they also have plenty of dollars rolling in from non-local folks.  Besides...it's your business...take the lead.

If you live by price you will die by price.  Focus on quality, sustainability and familiarity.



If you want to leave a comment here...feel free.  And/Or you can join us on our Twitter Feed @InsightADV and our advertising agency Facebook Page is right here.  

Get Ready Main Street - The 800lb Gorilla is Coming

Wal Mart New LogoIf you own a small business this news should warm your heart.  Walmart has announced that it will shift some of their national television advertising dollars to local TV in some 60 markets. The company will create 1,500 "hyper-local" television ads targeting price.  Actually, they will be targeting the local retail stores which dot Main Street.


Because they want a bigger slice of the grocery store business.  But, you can bet it does not stop there.

The retail giant will not only produce a mind-blowing 1,500 ads they will also extend the life of the campaign by using social media.

Before you put up the "Out of Business" sign some things you can and should be doing...now: (Uhm...HyVee, Fareway, Dahls and others...)

  • Hammer Local - You are already the local business.  Today get "hyper-local" in your marketing efforts.  You live in the community.  You give back to the community.  You serve local community friends, family and neighbors.
  • Get Creative - There are a dozen ways in which you can top this move if you sit down and think, "How do I better serve shoppers?"
  • Get Personal - While Walmart is going to highlight price by comparing sales receipts you can highlight the people you serve and the people that serve the consumer.  Make it a personal experience.
  • Get Help - Trust me, you can't do this alone. I realize you "think" you know advertising/marketing it's not your core craft.  You make stuff to sell stuff or buy stuff to sell stuff.  Marketers are the folks who help you sell...more with better communication.

You can not attack this with Facebook alone.  You can not respond with cool signs.  You cannot do this with newspaper ads.  You can't do this with a speech at your local Chamber.  You can't.  It is that simple.  To be able to extend your brand to your core audience you must employ a host of methods...and you might want to get started today.

If you would like to read the article from our friends at Advertising Age, here you go.




If you would like to comment here, have at it.  To connect with us on Twitter it's @InsightADV and our advertising agency Facebook Page is right here.  Thanks for coming by...and hope it helps.  Michael