Effective Communication Tools for NIACC
August 04, 2021
Hello...as I indicated in the video below I was to have presented a business class this past Monday on Zoom. For some reason students were unable to connect and I really feel bad about that. So....check out the audio portion below the video to hear about my thoughts regarding Effective Communication for business and your personal life. My thanks to Rowena Crosbie and Deborah Rinner for their insightful book, "Your Invisible Toolbox - The Technological Ups and Interpersonal Downs of the Millennial Generation". I use this fantastic book all the time and highly recommend it to you. What is really neat is that while over 100 topics are discussed none are longer than two and a half pages.
The audio portion of my presentation on Effective Communication is below. All you have to do is click to listen.
NIACC Effective Communication August 2021
Thanks again and I truly hope we've got the Tech Bugs behind us. Hope to visit with you each Monday at Noon through the North Iowa Area Community College. The link to the program is here.
You can reach me a number of ways: [email protected] or [email protected] or my direct line is 515-331-3207.
Take care!